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  1. josh4321

    sarahs 1st journal!

    i just made some butter and some cookies i used a half pound of trim to 2lbs of butter
  2. josh4321

    my NYCD experience...

    very nice plants bro
  3. josh4321

    bar fridge

    check out my parana
  4. josh4321

    1st Grow - Dual Cabinet System - Sour Diesel, Purple Urkel Kush

    ya im going to try the scrog in my next grow hope it works out for ya
  5. josh4321

    bar fridge

    ok so i was just looking through all my grow stuff that i have and found like 2l of super bloom a&b so i dont have to go and get any nute and i have a good ppm reader i just need to get a ph reader
  6. josh4321

    AK47 and WW

    bro you are going to love the ww it is one of my favs but its stinks a shit load you will have to do something about it
  7. josh4321

    My First Grow

    go here $20 150w hps
  8. josh4321

    My DIY Dual Cabinet System

    go here $20 150w hps
  9. josh4321

    1st Grow - Dual Cabinet System - Sour Diesel, Purple Urkel Kush

    im here bro ill be watching
  10. josh4321

    Perpetual grow 4oo watter. Carnival ministry of cannabis

    man that shit looks so sweet it going to be some killer smoke
  11. josh4321

    bb blue cheese + jamaican lambsbread first grow!

    they need some more nitrogen but other then that they are very nice plants
  12. josh4321

    bar fridge

    so i changed the name of my strain to {item 9}
  13. josh4321

    bar fridge

    heres the pics of day 10 of 12/12 man this took so long can only upload 1 pic at a time
  14. josh4321

    bar fridge

    ya man this place rocks i love to be able to talk to people about growing i just wish the goverment would try it 1 time so they can see that we arnt hurting any1
  15. josh4321

    bar fridge

    k well i could only get 1 pic up right now will ty tommorw
  16. josh4321

    bar fridge

    k 1 more try
  17. josh4321

    bar fridge

    ok so this is odd i cant load any new pics do we get a limet to how many we can up load in a week or month
  18. josh4321

    bar fridge

    k ill have to try to put up my pics later it wont let me right now
  19. josh4321

    OffGridGrowers journey with ISS, Vsog (stadium)

    nice plants and set up keep up the good work
  20. josh4321

    Big buds and Eastern Europe wild cannabis.

    looking good man check mine out they are under 210w worth of cfls