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  1. josh4321

    vert grow 1 600 hps 1 400 hps lots of pics

    fuckin nice man wish i still had space to do that all i have right now is a bar fridge lol
  2. josh4321

    bar fridge

    ok so i fucked up and must have been too stoned lol but i just seen hairs on the 1 i thought was a male but they are still to small to take a pic of so its day 7 and i know have 1 fem and 1 unknowen heres some pics they are looking good
  3. josh4321

    Couchlock and Hawaiian Red Flowering 61 days

    hey man nice plants i see you dident gut your fridge like i did mine its a lot of work if you ever do lol
  4. josh4321

    ~First Timer-Steathmaid Grow~Tips and Tricks Welcome!

    ok so for nutes i would say pure blend pro soil
  5. josh4321

    bar fridge

    man me to im seeing balls on 1 but im going to wate a few days just because i want to be 100% before i kill that mother fucker lol lol
  6. josh4321

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    i 2nd that nice job bro
  7. josh4321

    bar fridge

    ill just tie them down if they get to big thats all and 75% sure that 1 of them is a male
  8. josh4321

    bar fridge

    so they stonk all ready too i think im going to call the strain pepe le pu lol
  9. josh4321

    bar fridge

    hey caddyluck they can gow another 12in till they are touching the bulbs and they dont get that hot so i think they will be ok to touch if not ill tie them down
  10. josh4321

    bar fridge

    ill go and find out
  11. josh4321

    RAIDERMANS BIuemoonshine grow

    nice buds hows the sent on them babys
  12. josh4321

    bar fridge

    any feed back welcome
  13. josh4321

    Small 400watt cabinet grow ;)

    wow bro nice fuckin plants great work
  14. josh4321

    First Grow (midgrade) CFL and sunlight

    hey man nice plants i just started my 5th day of 12/12 good job man
  15. josh4321

    bar fridge

    ok so here are the pics for today day 5 of 12/12 still no sex
  16. josh4321

    bar fridge

    ok heres a update cleaned the fridge yesterday and added some more watts now have 4 42w cfls and 1 45w and had to rip down all the shitty foil i had in there but i have to put some more up till i get to the shop heres some pics from yesterday ill take some of today when i get the shit up
  17. josh4321

    sarahs 1st journal!

    hey sarah whens the next grow starting
  18. josh4321

    150w hps blueberry

    hey man things are looking better + rep
  19. josh4321

    sarahs 1st journal!

    you have to love the good old ontario growen buds
  20. josh4321

    sarahs 1st journal!

    sarah22 i think im in love with you lol jk nice grow