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  1. Smokey57

    Help identify these BUGS

    here is a picture off the net off white fly. this is what it is
  2. Smokey57

    Help identify these BUGS

    real tough getting a picture of these guys hopefully this will turn out they have 6-8 legs, forward tentacles, wing like things but they dont seem to fly but jump kind of. they seem to go to the water surface. it shows translucent but they are more opaque. i think they are early stage white...
  3. Smokey57

    Help identify these BUGS

    they crawl around and jump a little
  4. Smokey57

    Help identify these BUGS

    I noticed the trays the pots were sitting in were holding water. Got lazy and left it for a couple days. I dumped it out and cleaned it, the surface of the water was covered in these bugs. The plant was starting to suffer by the lower leaves were all turning pale. Thought it was just the...
  5. Smokey57

    Big Buddha Cheese Part Deux

    GR Any idea how much each plant is getting per cycle? Please confirm the TOTAL runoff for all three waterings is 30% not 30% each cycle. What are you using for a timer that adjusts top the second? smokey
  6. Smokey57

    Big Buddha Cheese Part Deux

    GR Makes a lot of sense, thanks for the help S
  7. Smokey57

    Big Buddha Cheese Part Deux

    GR8 If I remember correctly you water several times a day. I only water twice a day. Do I need to feed MORE each time as I am only feeding twice a day? Smokey
  8. Smokey57

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    I have some like that also. I dropped 8 regular seeds and 7 were female. Only one was this dark purple. The others are variations of what you have. all very frosty. I took clones off this purple one and they are 1 week into flower now.
  9. Smokey57

    How long till clones show growth

    I just did this. Took 5 clones from a plant 2 weeks from 12/12. Solo cups under T5's. Roots out bottom of cup in 14 days but took another 22 days for it to finally throw some normal cannabis leafs. Another 34 days veg to 18 inches and It is now 1 week into flowering Smokey
  10. Smokey57

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Triple Purple Rhino (Docs Dank seeds)
  11. Smokey57

    Hanging in cardboard Qs

    Here is the picture as promised.
  12. Smokey57

    Hanging in cardboard Qs

    Popeye I have almost the exact same conditions as you. I hung a wardrobe box from the ceiling in the flower room and used string thru it to hang my branches. With the rh this low I did not use any fans and let the air exchange passively. I even put a wet towel inside to keep the rh up a...
  13. Smokey57

    Big Buddha Cheese Part Deux

    GR I have never grown a SOG, but i will put my 2c in anyways. I think you should remove ALL of the stems you have marked. I believe you have to give the main cola all the help it can get in a SOG, Again I have never grow a SOG. My opinion is just that, my opinion, with no facts to back it...
  14. Smokey57

    Big Buddha Cheese Part Deux

    Video not working for me. Cut and past doesn't work either.
  15. Smokey57

    Big Buddha Cheese Part Deux

    Looking Fantastic. That is quite the success with your first crack with the aero cloner. will be keeping a close eye on this grow. Got my new pump (just like yours) pressure not volume was my problem. The sprayers are working great now. How do I decide how many time a day to feed my...
  16. Smokey57

    Low Humidity

    Yes that exactly but ontop of this once in a lifetime special offer here at weedgrow.con we want to give you more and we can.... so im going to right of the bat throw in peace of mind that your wife and kids wont leave you for that guy back in high school because he now has climate control...
  17. Smokey57

    Low Humidity

    .....If the answers no then you suck, stop growing weed and work your life out first, even if i lived in the desert my house would be climate controlled is the answer to that thread :-) so your suggestion is to spend thousands of dollars to climate control my house so I can dry a couple of...
  18. Smokey57

    Big Buddha Cheese Part Deux

    You said patience was the greatest asset, reminds me of a poster I had back in the 60's, black lite poster with two vultures sitting in an ol dead tree in the desert with a cow skull and other things sitting at the base of the tree. One is saying to the other, "Patience Hell, I going to go kill...
  19. Smokey57

    Big Buddha Cheese Part Deux

    GR Fantastic to see your success with your cloner. I found the biggest thing for me was patience with it. If you leave it for another week you will have roots 12-24 inches long. Great fun. Are you having any problems with the Great White plugging up your emitters? That is quite the octopus...