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  1. Smokey57

    Club 600

    the purple one was a great smoke last year. didnt have any others to compare. will definitely do a taste test in the new year.
  2. Smokey57

    Club 600

    Hi 600 gang. been awhile since i posted. i dont grow in the summer, and now have my grow in full swing. Just had to share this great pheno of Triple Purple Rhino. A friend grew it last year and it was beatuiful. He moved out of country and left me his 7 regular seeds of TPR. I got 6 to pop...
  3. Smokey57


    hook up the entire room. Use the 5x5 for seedling,veg & mothers. rest of the room for flower.
  4. Smokey57

    Coco to Soil

    thanks for all the advice. i will just transfer them into 3 gal airpots. i am doing a 3 week cycle perpetual. 3-600w hps. first 2 cycles are soil next 2 coco, one last soil and 2 more coco before summer when i shut it down til fall.
  5. Smokey57

    Coco to Soil

    long story short. I started some seedling in coco and would like to change over to a soil grow for these ladies. When I up pot, can I just dig a hole and drop the seedling in (3 nodes)? Or do i have to knock off all the coco, and just transfer the roots? I am concerned that the coco will...
  6. Smokey57

    up pot once or twice

    My first time with coco. 80/20 coco/perlite. Coco A&B and calmag. My seedling are ready to be transplanted, in solo cups now. Roots are at bottom of cup and just starting their first wrap. Do I go into 1 gallon now and into 2 gallon air pots in two weeks or straight into 2 gallon now? They...
  7. Smokey57

    let's play the game of one gots to go

    kill the weakest one
  8. Smokey57

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    i would pull up a chair for that article
  9. Smokey57

    I searched..... honest

    i just moved them out front to take the picture
  10. Smokey57

    I searched..... honest

    that's why 10-15ml. looks dark on top after watering. next day is light brown on top. i think 15 ml is a tablespoon
  11. Smokey57

    I searched..... honest

    Is 10-15 ml of tap water with calmag, ph to 5.8 everyday to much
  12. Smokey57

    I searched..... honest

    I should be so lucky. ph down to 5.8 from 7.5 sometimes as high as you
  13. Smokey57

    I searched..... honest

    I put 14 seeds with tap root into a beer cup with 150ml ph 5.8 tap water (160ppm). Under t5's at 6 inches. waited two days and and gave 10ml on top - 1/8 A&B with Cal/Mag. Day 5 seven are showing but just barely. day 7 nothing over and inch tall. gave the 7 no shows another 150ml 1/8 A&B...
  14. Smokey57

    I searched..... honest

    and do i water and feed until 20% run off?
  15. Smokey57

    I searched..... honest

    i have looked and searched hi and low and still can't find a definitive answer. i have started a coco grow. popped the seeds in paper towel and then in cups with 70/30 coco/perlite slightly damp under t5's, three inches. When do i give them more water? will use Canna AB with calmag. Smokey
  16. Smokey57

    New rooms wanting advice

    GFV sounds like a great set up. hard to visualize in that space. do i read correctly, you are using 6-600w hps? do you have any pictures of the set up you can share?
  17. Smokey57

    Drying Bud

    thought it was something like that. we have the opposite problem here. if i dry in the garage its 3C (38F) and 25% humidity . I am going to try and dry in the spare bathroom this year.
  18. Smokey57

    Drying Bud

    please define long and cold
  19. Smokey57

    Can i up pot while in flower

    how much will it slow the girls if i go 12/12 for 5 days, then up pot from 1gal to 3 gal. or do i really need to up pot first? smokey
  20. Smokey57

    Any good handheld battery powered pumps to pump water in rez

    I used this one for the last grow and loved it so much i bought a second one for transferring gas from jerry cans into my boat.. this think pumps faster than my city pressure kitchen tap. batteries...