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  1. knightdemon


    I dont mine getting seed's out of it if ladyboy does it, Save's on buying the seed's at the prices they want for these autos
  2. knightdemon


    I think it has, its a girl with balls right at the bottom node, 1 kind of looks like a fucked up seed in the stem part of it, but it has balls which has blown its load so to speak, the new heads only a week old are going brown hairs on a couple of the plants now aswell, it looks like heat burn...
  3. knightdemon


    I have just found a hermi in with 15 of my girls, being super silver haze auto, I have noticed 2 of the girls have alot of brown hair's only 1-2 weeks into flowing and the head's are smaller than the other girl's i have in that area. Since the head's are forming slower than the other plant's...
  4. knightdemon

    3 leafs at each node

    I had the same thing with super silver haze auto, wouldnt worry to much, I got a good yeild off my one
  5. knightdemon

    Weird Yellowing Help

    Cheer's for that dillest, I will put some lime in 1st to see if it is a mag problem as i dont want to miss it up and potash in the other one since its only 2 of the girls showing it, thanks for your help man means alot for a new grower
  6. knightdemon

    Weird Yellowing Help

    i was thinking mag or potass, so i have flushed twice now, when should i start back on nute's? and it has slowed the growth aswell of that plant in the head forming, forgot to add that in, any quick fixes for this as it is one of the better plants with the node's
  7. knightdemon

    Weird Yellowing Help

    using 600 watt hps lamb aswell temp's are good in that room, only 2 of the girls have started that, the rest are all good, used the same water which is rain water not tap water, same nute mix for all of them, so it has been wondering dont no how good the pic is as my webcam sucks
  8. knightdemon

    Weird Yellowing Help

    pots are 15 litre, being auto's, just coming into flowering now week 1 and since they are auto's they grow fast, I dont no anyone with a digi cam and thats the best my webcam can do, sorry for that, its on the top leaf's only starts from tip going back a weird yellow colour, stems are still the...
  9. knightdemon

    Weird Yellowing Help

    I am in soil pot's, ph with run off is good, plus hemid is sitting on %52 in the room, Last feed of nute's was wednesday 11th i have a few plants but its only on 2 of them :S
  10. knightdemon

    Weird Yellowing Help

    I have just had this problem show up in the last week since they started to form bud's I have checked the guide's plus flushed my pots they are in. Sorry the photos are from a webcam since i dont have a digi cam. anyone got any idea's what it is as i am losted, thinking it might be 2 diff...
  11. knightdemon

    Colloidal Silver

    over 1000 seeds from the 3 plants i put into the room with the female i turned male from using CS on that one, thats £6,000.00 worth of seed's
  12. knightdemon

    Super Silver Haze Auto Thread -

    out of 3 plants i have already got rid of 3 ounces wet weight to my cousin and i am now left with 10.3 ounces dry weight now got them in 9 moccona 200 gram to let them cure now, So cant see i will lose to much more weight, Still have 3 plants to go which have more seed's in the lower head's and...
  13. knightdemon

    Super Silver Haze Auto Thread -

    well wet weight for 3 of mine come out at 28 ounce's, the other 3 females i have i put into a room after using CS on 1 of them which turned into a male so far i now have 280 ripe seed's and still more to come over the next week. was a good thing reading about the CS on this site, for the ammount...
  14. knightdemon

    Super Silver Haze Auto Thread -

    have just cut 3 down since i have a open house, done 4 days early but oh well, 28 ounces off 3 plants wey weight, no idea how much they will weight after being dryed for a few day's, so if i have time without risk i will put up a dry weight from these 3 shh auto fem's for everyone
  15. knightdemon

    "haze auto" ???

    18/6 all the way man
  16. knightdemon

    Super Silver Haze Auto Thread -

    will do a wet weight of each plant and then a dry weight test also for other's on here, just want to no what each head will weight mostly, got to love adv nute's
  17. knightdemon

    Super Silver Haze Auto Thread -

    mine was in pre flower from day 20 from seed, they dont take long at all, I love this new strain on auto's, Love it even more since 1 of my girl's is covered in seed everywhere now to, going to keep to this strain for a while i feel
  18. knightdemon

    Whats everyone growing for Christmas 2011

    super silver haze auto fem's
  19. knightdemon

    Super Silver Haze Auto Thread -

    a couple of head pics from my girls 18cm long and 20cm long for main cola 20 days to go.
  20. knightdemon

    harvesting seeds

    my landlord lives overseas so it make's it hard for him to do a walk threw, plus hes a smoker himself