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  1. Cann

    growing in straw!ftw?

    hows she doin?
  2. Cann

    What to do with waste water from RO

    Hmm...I have some blueberries near my home in the PNW that are fed by a creek and the soil around them is always really wet, and they are jamming out. No signs of issues. I thought they like wet, acidic conditions? But maybe I am mistaken...
  3. Cann

    Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

    I just love clear cups cause I can watch root development so I know when to transplant...especially nice for clones. I have only gotten green roots one time and that was a cut I left in a clear container for 3+ weeks..most of the time the cups are only for a week or two. Maybe I'll set these...
  4. Cann

    Living Organics *Ofiicial Thread*

    just a pic of some important organic items :) the aloe juice is going back to the store once I find some fresh aloe in my neighborhood...and I'll be making my own bokashi bran once my EM-1 finishes culturing.
  5. Cann

    What to do with waste water from RO

    Foreverflyhi - glad to see someone posting something like this. Very conscious consideration of your waste. Currently, I have my RO draining through a small hose into my backyard, where I can have it do multiple things. I can position the hose so the runoff goes down into a somewhat marshy...
  6. Cann

    Unconventional Organics

    does the exhale bag really claim to work for 6 months? That seems a bit farfetched to me...wont the mycelium run out of food before then? Do you have a ppm meter in your room to monitor the CO2 levels?
  7. Cann

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    :) a nice gooey aloe filet for the ladies. sounds great. thanks spliff :bigjoint:
  8. Cann

    subs supersoil

    Kalyx - I doubt the neem/azatrol drip is doing anything negative...but then again thats always been my point of view. Good call with the neem/karanja meals - I need to order a bag of karanja myself, but need to pay some bills first. I feel ya on the whole PM thing, it'll lurk inside the plant...
  9. Cann

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    Hmm...alright well this is what I have - Luckily I havent opened it yet...but it says there are no preservatives, and the only other ingredient is Citric acid (which it says is a pH stabilizer -...
  10. Cann

    Unconventional Organics

    pics? and no I do not claim to know all...but I also dont go around telling people things that have no scientific foundation... you can probably still grow decent flowers using h2o2 in soil, just like you can grow decent flowers using synthetic nutes in soil, but if you want to be truly...
  11. Cann

    Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

    Alright...thats the one reason I wouldn't use peat...But after seeing the comparison and insane difference of peat vs. coco, i might still have to stick with peat. Still gotta find a way to use my 6 cuft of coco though so we'll see where were at in a few weeks.. Here are the seeds as of...
  12. Cann

    Super Soil and TGA Strains

    lol bringing back the ancient thread...yes SS goes beneath the base soil, I'd say 30% SS, you can always top dress more if they start to fade too soon...if you put too much, theres no turning back...:wall: Let me know how it goes though, cause I got some QT seedlings that are going into SS at...
  13. Cann

    Unconventional Organics

    Couldn't agree more...I was just trying to say it a bit more subtly haha. Good to keep him in check tho...after that post I went around reading a bunch of his other posts and they were similarly misinformative...gotta watch out for those folks on RIU...its like 90% of the people on here lol.
  14. Cann

    subs supersoil

    Hmm...what type of damage do you think neem does to the food web? As far as I can tell, neem is harmless to microbes and beneficial insects like earthworms, microarthropods, etc. Check out this quote from Eco12 on grasscity: Neem seed meal (aka Neem cake) is used in agriculture as a soil...
  15. Cann

    Breathing on your CO2 generator

    fucked my girl in the veg room the other day :) I hope I didn't make my other ladies too jealous cause they had to watch... wish I had a CO2 monitor so I could've seen the spike lol
  16. Cann

    Cream Of The Crop Genetics

    Soil mix looks nice - glad to see you're choosing organic soil over hydro :) I didn't realize this was your first soil had me fooled with your knowledge of organics haha...good work! Since you already know about Lumper a.k.a. Clackamascoot you're good to go...just start reading haha...
  17. Cann

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    Rrog - how do you use Aloe in your teas? Picked me up a bottle recently and I want to start incorporating it into the program. Also I have a case of coconut water...are we talking the kind you get at a health food store???
  18. Cann

    subs supersoil

    :) So many purists on here its great. I guess after this bottle of protekt I will experiment with alternative silica sources...but after reading that article I am going to be including silica somehow from here on out. I'm thinking about making up a stinging nettle tea...apparently it is a good...
  19. Cann

    Smoking near plant

    some people do it, I used to, dont anymore. smoke will clog the leaf stomata. nuff said. on occasion I will do it ceremonially...but in small quantities and only to plants I know can take it :bigjoint: but daily is doing more harm than good. if you want CO2 breathe heavily on your plants, or...
  20. Cann

    subs supersoil

    greenghost - you definitely should've bought Teaming with Microbes before TLO. After reading Teaming with Microbes, TLO seems like is is mostly fluff... go to RRog's link and get to readin! Also, this is a great summary of the book -...