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  1. Cann

    What is everyone's preferred method against PM?

    Milk! diluted at 10%...reapply every few days. Doesn't burn pistils...but smells milky haha. Everything else I know tends to burn the pistils... Other than that I would say mix neem cake into your soil for a systemic defense...but at this point it's too late for this plant. Serenade is also...
  2. Cann

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    YES! I planted a medicinal garden last year at my place of work :) now I just need something at my house.... Where did you source these seeds? Or are you planting from starts? I'm looking for a source of all of those plants (except dandelion maybe)...much easier if I could just grow my own...
  3. Cann

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    I am not a soil expert by any means :mrgreen: but I have a bunch of coco and was thinking about doing this is what I was going to do: Break up my coco, add 30-40% perlite (pumice would be better), and 25% good humus (EWC, compost, mushroom compost, etc) To this mix, I would...
  4. Cann

    Snafu's Organic Garden

    Beautiful fungal network!!! But those hyphae are not from mycorrhizae....can't be...instead it's another fungus - not a bad thing - any fungal activity improves the structure of the soil, etc. But mycorrhizae need roots to survive, so unless there is anything growing in your soil mix the hyphae...
  5. Cann

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    So by TONS, what would be a rough estimate of shell/cuft in the soil mix? Just wondering what your idea of tons is lol because mine might be a bit overboard... Thanks :)
  6. Cann

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    Can you elaborate on this "activation" process for charcoal? And any thoughts on the "no-till" pots idea? I mixed up a few soils today...will post recipes later once I get some sleep Thanks for all your help :mrgreen:
  7. Cann

    1 Plant 6 strains (GRAFTING) - 6 fold plant increase, staying in your plant llimit

    Thanks for asking :mrgreen: I haven't dabbled in these experiments...although I may give it a go this summer once I get my hands on some hop rhizomes in the spring....its just a matter of getting a healthy enough hop vine - and at the time I only have 1 dying rhizome in a pot salvaged from...
  8. Cann

    Need help flushing?

    doesn't matter how many scripts you have...over 99 is minimum 5 years federally...just sayin.... the feds could care less about cancer and the benefits of juicing.....
  9. Cann

    WhoDat back at it.

    :) that looks beautiful every direction. especially in the last one, it has a weirdly human form....lots of great flow....good shit my man. merry xmas everyone :bigjoint:
  10. Cann

    Living Organics *Ofiicial Thread*

    Layering and spiking, diversity of ingredients of the base soil - that is about it as far as I can tell...
  11. Cann

    Mychorizzal, is it missing in our super soil mix?

    Fungal hyphae on the surface after 7 days cooking...
  12. Cann

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    Sounds good Spliff :bigjoint: I do tend to overthink things, so thanks for keeping me grounded :) I know I have too many amendments...I would much rather have started from scratch at this point but it is what it is so I gotta let it play out. The problem is it started as a subs supersoil mix but...
  13. Cann

    subs supersoil

    protekt is the shit. didnt know about it a few months ago and now I consider it a must have in my garden...its especially good for neutralizing the pH of acidic teas...also good in a foliar spray mixed with neem oil - the protekt acts as an emulsifier :blsmoke: make sure you check the...
  14. Cann

    Organic Soil, Microorganisms, and pH

    You got pics of your problem? If so post em up
  15. Cann

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    Thanks for all the replies! Damn I love an active thread... Rrog - This soil mix will be my last run using bagged soil as the base. I am already acquiring ingredients for the next mix and formulating recipes in my head. In my backyard I already have 6 cuft of peat (premier), 5 cuft of coco, a...
  16. Cann

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    I trust your opinion :mrgreen: Not to get off topic, but how about this Soil Mix: 10 bags Roots soil (15 cu. ft) 40lbs high quality EWC (roughly 1 cu. ft) 5lbs blood meal 12-0-0 3.5lbs guano 0-9-0 5lbs fish bone meal 3-18-0 1.5lbs alfalfa meal 2-1-2 2.5lbs kelp meal 0-001.5 4 cups neem seed...
  17. Cann

    Organic Soil, Microorganisms, and pH

    So it's agreed I should add more lime to the mix to regulate pH? I'm beginning to think pH is less and less of an issue if my microbes are in order... anyone?
  18. Cann

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    Wow this thread is awesome...covers a lot of great topics. Props to trichome fiend, Rrog, BlueJ, and all those who are sharing this great info - keep spreading the knowledge! So since it's wintertime and my teas are getting cold I decided to get an aquarium heater for my 5gal bucket. Problem is...
  19. Cann

    WhoDat back at it.

    Those are badass....keep doing that lol
  20. Cann

    Living Organics *Ofiicial Thread*

    :eyesmoke: Thanks whodat...I just cant stand to see someone get hated on for speaking truth in what should be a very open-minded forum...makes me lose faith in the RIU community...we should be better than that!!! Especially here in Organics...:wall: