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  1. mememolly

    Why is my leafs drooping and really dark please help

    Yeah they are from seeds. So are you saying i should use less hydroton or more? Someone told me to fill it up with hydroton so i did, under the hydrton is rockwool cube
  2. mememolly

    can someone look at this for me? it hasn't grown in 3 weeks

    I used a humidity dome till the 2 leafs came out then i transplanted it to hydroponics
  3. mememolly

    Why is my leafs drooping and really dark please help

    How can hydroponics have too much water? isn't the whole plant on water? And the roots looks white and there is tons of root. Should i add more air pumps would that help?
  4. mememolly

    Bigz 2012 Hydro grow. (virgin grow)

    lol i don't get it.. yours are that big in rockwool?? my plants are the same size as yours and same amount of leafs but theres like tons of root and it took 1month to get there
  5. mememolly

    Why is my leafs drooping and really dark please help

    Okay so i had these plants for more then a month now and it only has grown that big... It is in 25gallon DWC with 60gallon of airpumps should i add more? I gave it the basic nutrients of 200PPM and the PH of the water is 5.8 It is under LED and CFL lights 75F and 60% humidity on 24 hour light...
  6. mememolly

    can someone look at this for me? it hasn't grown in 3 weeks

    Okay thanks :) and i think its cause my humidity is too low i added a humidifier to see if it helps
  7. mememolly

    can someone look at this for me? it hasn't grown in 3 weeks

    Thank i will change my water. And could too much air from the air pump cause any damage? cause i got 3 40 gallon air pumps going at the same time.
  8. mememolly

    can someone look at this for me? it hasn't grown in 3 weeks

    I put them under 90Watt LED + 45Watt CFL its grown in DWC system. Its been 3weeks and you can see the seedings hasn't grown much and the leafs are really dark. Did i do something wrong?
  9. mememolly

    Why is my leafs drooping someone help me?

    No don't have any Canna Rhizotonic is it useful? I can get some. I also got PPM meter but i don't know what the PPM should be right now any idea?
  10. mememolly

    Why is my leafs drooping someone help me?

    My ph is 5.6-6 and im feeding about 1/4 of (2.1.6) (5.0.1) (0.5.4) some hydroponic stuff. And im pumping with 2 80 gallon pumps into 90 gallon of water. Room temp is 71-72 . I just switched my LED to CFL right no.
  11. mememolly

    Why is my leafs drooping someone help me?

    heres some pictures i took i filled the hydroton on top of the rockwool
  12. mememolly

    Why is my leafs drooping someone help me?

    so i should transplant my hydroponic into soil and change the light to CFL?
  13. mememolly

    Why is my leafs drooping someone help me?

    my plants are getting worse you can see the leafs are getting wrinkly and doesn't look too healthy and it hasn't grown in 3 days what should i do?
  14. mememolly

    Why is my leafs drooping someone help me?

    So add the hydroton ontop of the rockwool?
  15. mememolly

    Why is my leafs drooping someone help me?

    My other seeding's leafs are all straight but this one is kinda drooping more and more what could be wrong with it?