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  1. O4aUsErNaMe

    New to rollitup!! Help me intruduce my self!!!

    jeezus i just about wet myself.frack that was a good laugh..:-) sorry about that welcome to the forums
  2. O4aUsErNaMe

    Ruined :(

    mmmmm pickled dear yuummm.:-)
  3. O4aUsErNaMe

    First time grower

    soil preperation is important ,you dont need to spend a lot of money ,just the soil in the garden dig in some manure and organic matter.(i always give a good soaking with molasses and water after i do this gets the microbes working on producing the food for your plants) but all of that is no...
  4. O4aUsErNaMe


    well if it was me i would leave them,and what happens happens. but ultimately you have to make the decision. if you had a photo we might have been able to see how far into flowering they are..
  5. O4aUsErNaMe


    probably not. was the light cycle 12/12 when it started to flower?
  6. O4aUsErNaMe


    4 foot tall and flowering.. aint that what you want them to do,? just leave them and harvest when ready
  7. O4aUsErNaMe

    adding sugur to your water!!!

    I dont know go and have a look for it ,but you should be able to you have horses over there so they should have it they use it as a supplement for them
  8. O4aUsErNaMe

    2nd attampt at Growing

    you just ignore the grammar junkies it makes them feel important.. good luck it sounds ok will be of more help when you have some pictures
  9. O4aUsErNaMe

    adding sugur to your water!!!

    any good pet store will have it,or maybe even the local garden center. it is a by product left over from the extraction of sugar from sugar cane or beetroot. this equates to it being pure plant energy in a bottle. use it a 2 tablespoons per gallon.
  10. O4aUsErNaMe

    adding sugur to your water!!!

    dont know never used it,but at a guess a tablespoon per gallon would be ok. why dont you just go and buy some molasses its dirt cheap and much better and will give better results..
  11. O4aUsErNaMe

    adding sugur to your water!!!

    any sugar will work but it is not the most optimal of the sugars to use, as suggested use molasses it puts the trace elements in the soil as well.
  12. O4aUsErNaMe


    well i would say no on all accounts...
  13. O4aUsErNaMe

    ortho pesticide

    people it is a pesticide not a herbicide it wont hurt the plant and it wont put poison into your plant. if your pesticide has a withholding period then that is how many days before you harvest that you stop using it. pesticides are not absorbed into the plant it stays on the outside where the...
  14. O4aUsErNaMe

    Just used White Sugar to water my flowering plant, what do i do now?

    yep most certainly did.:mrgreen::joint::mrgreen:
  15. O4aUsErNaMe

    Just used White Sugar to water my flowering plant, what do i do now?

    you are not hurting the plant,the sugar is converted to a usable substance just like molasses is it is just that molasses has more trace elements. sugar like molasses help feed the microbes in the soil,the microbes help to turn the organic matter into a usable source of nutrients for the plant...
  16. O4aUsErNaMe

    A new start, a new beginning for Orange Shovel's Outdoor Season '08

    well done and good luck with this grow..
  17. O4aUsErNaMe

    Just used White Sugar to water my flowering plant, what do i do now?

    molasses is far better,not only does it add some carbs it adds trace elements and feeds the microbes but the sugar is fine (not optimal but it will work)to put some carbs and help the microbes do the job they are supposed to,so dont flush just leave it . and use molasses next time.
  18. O4aUsErNaMe

    Gurrila growing madness

    crikey if copperheads are your most poisonous you dont have much to worry about then do you. me i have to put up with tiger snakes,dugites,brown snakes,death adders,and the red bellied black snake as well as the copper head and even the odd masters snake.
  19. O4aUsErNaMe

    Outdoor competition 08, discussion thread

    unfortunately my plants dont conform to a calender year. the growing season is long here and by january 09 they will be 6 foot or more. to big to enter the 09 comp. oh well may have to start a comp for us with long growing seasons.
  20. O4aUsErNaMe

    Outdoor competition 08, discussion thread

    so one thing i would like to know . does it matter how long the grow period is as my plants wont be ready till around this time next year.