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  1. H

    Cana coco

    4x4 tent Ambient temps 24c -22c Mars hydro 2x tsl2000 lights Photos first run then maybe autos down road. Rh of basement where tent will be is 38% ish If u need more lemme know. And thanks
  2. H

    Cana coco

    ANy schedules or tricks u wanna share with a rookie for this is same set up I wanna try. Is it possible to water every other day ?
  3. H

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    Can u reccomend a goody dolomite lime ? Are the all organic ? Does Gaia green have one ?
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    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    If u get calcium deficiency do u top dress with dolomite lime ?
  5. H

    Has anyone used mega crop

    Any secret recipe or amounts u can share. Or do u follow feedchart amount. And using autos do u use less ?
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    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    So if I have a calcium deficiency just top dress with a bit of dolomite lime or will there never enough in Gaia green nutes
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    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    Hey bud Had another question do u run into any calmag issues and ifso since Gaia green is organic what brand do u reccomend for calmag ?
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    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    looks awesome. I will have to keep this recipe for future. Any advice on some ffj ? Recipe ?
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    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

  10. H

    Mega crop or Gaia green ?

    So you’re saying this is a good stable product did u use only the one bag or did u try any orb there other product with it. Or did u need anything else in your grow ? And what’s medium did u use aswell ?
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    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    Any compost tea recipes ?
  12. H

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    So if I using a hot mix already like ffof soil I herd to wait for about 3 weeks for nutes in soil to deplete then top dress Gaia green ferts
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    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    And thanks for help so far too
  14. H

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    A guy on here told me to mix a 1/2 cup dolomite like in one full bag of fox farm soil when I open it. Is that approx same amount u talking ?
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    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    And when u say garden lime do u mean dolomite lime ?
  16. H

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    Any tips for a rookie grower like myself ?
  17. H

    Has anyone used mega crop

    What’s not organic ?
  18. H

    Mega crop or Gaia green ?

    Has anyone used this Iam in Canada and using fox farm ocean Forrest soil. I wanna keep it easy so I was thinking to use Gaia green but found this 1 part product Looks to easy to be true has anyone used mega crop ? Anyone use mega crop and Gaia green ?
  19. H

    Has anyone used mega crop

    Has anyone used this Iam in Canada and using fox farm ocean Forrest soil. I wanna keep it easy so I was thinking to use Gaia green but found this 1 part product Looks to easy to be true has anyone used mega crop ? Anyone use mega crop and Gaia green ?
  20. H

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    Ian this dry fert like Gaia green and is it organic