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  1. H

    Organic ph up and down

    I red the using vinegar is better to ph down with due to living soil microorganisms won’t get hurt or lime or lemon juice But 2 we’ll known organic growers use it from the podcast growcast WHat u think ?
  2. H

    Organic ph up and down

    Hey growers Iam growing in fox farm soil and even tho there are buffers in soil fox farm them selves suggested I ph water to 6.5 still. So I did and then problems. I was told not to by This site and I stopped And seemed to get better. But then Iam using synthetics in my ffof was high...
  3. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    I just did that 10 mins ago.
  4. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    My phone messed up and won’t let me send another pic. If u scroll up I took a few clearer ones. I think and hope it’s spring tales
  5. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    Do stuff or not do stuff. I chose leave them be. Lol. Thanks
  6. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    They look like second pic cuz I dint see legs. What the heck are springtales
  7. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    What do u think they are from looking pics
  8. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    Yellow leaves are Cuz I flushed a month ago. Mad low on nitrogen But pushing through. Buds on that plant look nice Wud be terrible to through out plant to not mess up others
  9. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    They dont have black eyes like those but they have antenna I show u pic again if helps I hope.
  10. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    Iam in fox farm soil yes. I was wondering if it had to do with that.
  11. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    No silver spots but I thinks that’s cuz leaves are so yellow maybe I can’t see them. But my newer leaves grow in green on that plant and I check and no noticeable thrip damage like you are describing on those leaves. And other 3 plants don’t have any leaf damage either
  12. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    I only seen them so far in a bit of water left over in my plant elevator for day before. None on leaves or anywhere.
  13. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    Any combat suggestions
  14. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    I have 4 plants in the tent. One I had to flush a month ago and it’s been yellow ever since so very hard to tell damage to leaves. Specially thrip type damage See that yellow plant That’s the one.
  15. H

    Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

    Hey all Looking for some help I seen these in a bit at water from runoff from a day ago I didn’t get it all then seen these. I thought they were fungus gnats but they have attenas tho so maybe thrips. Here’s a pic under microscope
  16. H

    Stepwell -ss

    How’s much for it there ?
  17. H

    Stepwell -ss

    Promix is a soiless. I think the stepwell is a living soil ?
  18. H

    Stepwell -ss

    Iam in Canada and heard this is a good soil. Anyone here use it and like or don’t be like it ?