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  1. G

    Longest you can go without sex....

    i start getting nutty after a bit more than a month, friggin sux without sex
  2. G

    Grow # 3, 250 watt diggi HPS, 3.5 gal DIY Ebb and Flow

    so i changed the rez today, now its just ph'd water with some h2o2 i took some pics without the blast of the hps so you can see the buds true colors i have some browning/burning at the top of my plant along the edges, i dont know what it is, i had a similar problem last grow, no answers there...
  3. G

    Grow # 3, 250 watt diggi HPS, 3.5 gal DIY Ebb and Flow

    the hairs are about 50-60% amber 20%brown 20%white ill probably wait till around 80%amber 10%brown 10%white the pics i have are from last night, ill take some nice pics when i change the rez after the 8th weeks {56 days} and the plant isnt under the glow of my hps im guessing another week and...
  4. G

    Grow # 3, 250 watt diggi HPS, 3.5 gal DIY Ebb and Flow

    so not to much new, changed the rez yesterday, backed down a bit on the nutes cuz the plant was showing some browning at the leaf tips ill have some pics in the next few days the buds are rock hard and full of white hairs and trics, i cant wait for the hairs to darken and this harvest to come...
  5. G

    Well Al B Fuct, its 2400w in budbox's 2 week harvest......

    they are looking good, try and see of you can take some pics in macro mode on your camera to get the focus right those buds will fatten up nice, should be a nice harvest when they are done
  6. G

    rasclots round 2 NYCD!!

    very nice seems like the 36 hours of darkness did the charm, ill try that on my new set before i flower
  7. G

    Well Al B Fuct, its 2400w in budbox's 2 week harvest......

    those water coolers are great!!! they should have a drain hole at the bottom to drain the condenstion, the rad is cold and your moving warm humid air through it so it will have quite a bit of condensation forming on it
  8. G

    rasclots round 2 NYCD!!

    when can i get some of that thunderfuk diez?? now that your starting 12/12 i cant wait to see those babes fill up with hairs and trics
  9. G

    rasclots round 2 NYCD!!

    let me know how the 36 hour thing works out, iv read about it and some people say its great some say its just a waste of time others say it stresses the plant but no-one to date that iv seen has done a side by side grow to show the real diffs keep it up!!!
  10. G

    Grow # 3, 250 watt diggi HPS, 3.5 gal DIY Ebb and Flow

    so im not exactly sure about the dates but im guestimating as best as i can and checking my old journal i vegged for 50 days and today is the start of the 30th day of flowering thats about it for now ill be updating this journal about once a week with pics and some comments stay tuned
  11. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    the light i have is fine, as long as im growing plants under 2 feet or so, but since there was a delay on my hps my plants got over 4 feet tall before i started flowering the plant in my third grow is doing much better, shorter, bushier and the buds are more packed togeather i will flush this...
  12. G

    second grow, hydroton continuous drip, LST

    the new journal is up and i have put up some pics thats the link!! TAKE A LOOK!!! peace
  13. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    so it didnt turn out the way i thought, but it was my first grow so its ok, im learning i messed up by not getting my flowering light soon enough so i ran out of space, i under guessed the flowering time so i cut nutes early, the result, the buds on my plant where mostly all very light popcorny...
  14. G

    Well Al B Fuct, its 2400w in budbox's 2 week harvest......

    looking great they will be filling up nicely ill be following along for this
  15. G

    rasclots round 2 NYCD!!

    they are looking great the deformed one pulled through, told ya it wud when you ganna flower em??
  16. G

    Grow # 3, 250 watt diggi HPS, 3.5 gal DIY Ebb and Flow

    So this is grow #3 my second grow in DWC ended short, out of the 2 plants in buckets, one got root rot, the other was male. I had a third plant that i vegged along with the DWC buckets just in a pot with hydroton flooding 2 times a day by hand...that plant i started flowering at 11 inches...
  17. G

    second grow, hydroton continuous drip, LST

    Long story short: my plant with root rot pretty much died so i cut it and the other was a male, although the one plant (that i didnt throw away but had nothing to transplant to and in the last set of pics is between the 2 DWC buckets) is still alive and i have been flowering it the last 2 weeks...
  18. G

    First grow w/250w iguana lamp, soil, closet...

    sounds good, and yes, slightly browning leaf tips are a sign of slight over nute cant wait 2 see pics
  19. G

    rasclots round 2 NYCD!!

    they are looking great ras the little deformed one is also doing good, looks funny tho
  20. G

    rasclots round 2 NYCD!!

    they are looking good ras the deformed one will be fine, just give it time