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  1. G

    5 o'clock's winter garden

    every grower should get to enjoy the fruits of their labour!!! ist so sweet when its your own :D
  2. G

    First Grow Journal: 6 Sweet Afghani Delicious, 400watt hps agro

    id say your best bet is go HERE! same to you, and every one else!!! HAPPY 4:20!!!!:mrgreen:bongsmilie:joint: its not april 20th but its 4:20 my time and i just blazed a doobie!
  3. G

    second grow, hydroton continuous drip, LST

    ok so my plant that had root rot is still alive but looks like shit, but i still have hope the other plant is doing great, and the third little one is doing good too ill stop talking and let the pics talk for themselves let me know what you guys think
  4. G

    96 watt 2 foot 4 lamp t5 VS 100 watt MH

    i just updated my journal check the link in my sig
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    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    well i dont think i will be cutting anything on 4:20, ill let em go 11 weeks flowering which is 4:22 then cut the tops, then a week later ill cut the bottoms its been a long time so i took a buch of pics i got a bit impatient and i have no weed or money to buy weed for 4:20 so i took a...
  6. G

    96 watt 2 foot 4 lamp t5 VS 100 watt MH

    i hope he gets a journal up, i wanna see that thing in action...if i had the money id go buy that setup now my plants are coming along quite nicely in both of my curent grows, my flowering plants are getting nice and dense and full of trics (i should harvest the tops of my plants on 4:24)...
  7. G

    here to help with any electrical problems

    well the fan is rated at 4.5 amps but when it starts up it takes a significant ammount more to get it spinning so maybe your 5 amp power suply will work if you spin up the blades by hand first as for cheap fans if its just for venting air in and out i think you could just get the fans from...
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    AK-47 DWC grow with 250watt HID

    thats impressive if you have any root pics id love to see em
  9. G

    LED/T5 Veg, 400W HPS Flower SCOG Cabinet

    sorry bout the fish
  10. G

    Dam, I blew it today and killed my fish.

    that sux so much and it sux more cuz you cant just blame someone or something else dont be too hard on yourself, smoke one...or three, lol if you plan on getting some new fish i think youll be happy and before you know it youll be so obsessed with your new fish you will have forgoten about this...
  11. G

    96 watt 2 foot 4 lamp t5 VS 100 watt MH

    im amazed by those results i wish the people that swear so hard by HID's could see your setup for veg t5 is fucking amazing and for flowering t5 can work out just as well and maybe better than some HID's
  12. G

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    there seems to be some debate over weather gravity or any other hardener actually creates more trics or just adds weight to the plant material on the bud i want to beleive that it aids in tric production so its making the bud more potent instead of just adding plant weight cuz i want to use...
  13. G

    LED/T5 Veg, 400W HPS Flower SCOG Cabinet

    nice looking buds, how much longer you giving them? what yield are you expecting to get? i just cut a little nug off of one of my plants and threw it in the oven at 200F for 15 mins, ground it up and im decently high off 2 hits, it tastes kinda funky, like its not as harsh but it has more of a...
  14. G

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    check to see if the camera has a setting for manual focus, just make sure to keep a steady hand when you take the snapshot :D other than that it sounds like things are coming along great looking forward to see the harvest
  15. G

    growing outdoors in ontario

    i think i will plant a few seeds in RW starter cubes and then transplant to small pots and let em veg under a t5 lamp untill they grow into their pots, then take em and put em outside ill do a tray of 20-25 plants i was wondering if they like more mositure or if they like the soil to be...
  16. G

    growing outdoors in ontario

    no hits?? i asked my buddy and he told me about half the seeds are ak-47 the rest are just mixed bagseed but they are in the same bag but hopefull if i get them to harvest i should be able to tell them apart, sorta, lol
  17. G

    96 watt 2 foot 4 lamp t5 VS 100 watt MH

    i wanna see how big your plants got while you where flowering them under your lamp t5 HO fixtures do a great job, they dont have nearly as much penetration over a distance as HID's but with lst or scrog you can use t5's to flower with great results if i was going to flower with t5's id end...
  18. G

    growing outdoors in ontario

    hello RIU i live in southern ontario and i have one crop finishing up flowering under a 250 hps and another in veg but since the weather is nice and i have a big bag of bagseed i was wondering if it is possible and if so what steps i need to take to basically just drop some seeds, and come...
  19. G

    too much for jars,what can i use for curing

    drying 65-75 *F 45-65% RH curing 55-65 *F 45-65% RH