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  1. 420elf13

    When to Flower Short Plant

    What exactly is scrog, I mean, I know its screen of green, but what does it mean, and how would I go about it?
  2. 420elf13

    When to Flower Short Plant

    If I do LST, do I still switch to 12/12, or do I stay on 18/6? Which will be more effective, switching to 12/12 or doing LST? What is the reason behind LST? Thanks
  3. 420elf13

    When to Flower Short Plant

    8" from pots to lights
  4. 420elf13

    When to Flower Short Plant

    So how much longer should I let them veg to get a good yield but still stay within my height constraints?
  5. 420elf13

    When to Flower Short Plant

    So I can switch to 12/12 anytime and I will be safe? Also, is LST necessary, and what's the easiest way to go about it
  6. 420elf13

    When to Flower Short Plant

    So basically when the stems stop matching? Sorry for the newb question
  7. 420elf13

    When to Flower Short Plant

    I was wondering when I should start flowering these. I don't have much room to grow in my setup, so when is the best time to start flowering to keep them short. Thanks
  8. 420elf13

    Can this be fixed?

    H202, as in hydrogen peroxide? What does that do?
  9. 420elf13

    Can this be fixed?

    Yeah, but it was also like an $8 feminized white rhino seed :neutral:
  10. 420elf13

    Can this be fixed?

    I'm so pissed... I'm using a bubbler system with hydroton grow medium... is the hydroton too rough for plants so young? Has this happened to anyone else?
  11. 420elf13

    Can this be fixed?

    Okay, so I was adjusting my seedling and the top of the plant just snapped off the root system. Is there anyway to salvage this or is the plant just fucked?
  12. 420elf13

    Just want to make sure I'm doing everything right...

    Thanks, so should I put the third light back in? And is it okay if the roots are in the basin?
  13. 420elf13

    Just want to make sure I'm doing everything right...

    Thanks, yea, I'll have to wait and see. white rhino is a bushier strain, I'm pretty sure I can yield about a 1/10 lb. per harvest, hopefully every month if I regenerate/clone.
  14. 420elf13

    Just want to make sure I'm doing everything right...

    I bought the grow case on ebay. It came with 6 little baggies of nutes, 3 G's and 3 F's, there are no directions on the nutes themselves, but the directions that came with the grow box said to put one baggie in a gallon of water. I did that, and it seems very diluted, but I still don't think I...
  15. 420elf13

    Just want to make sure I'm doing everything right...

    Thanks for your answers. What I mean by how often is how often should I pull old nutes out of the basin and put in new ones. Also, the basin should have some water in it correct? It cannot just be pure nute mix or that will burn the plants right? I germinated using the paper towel method. I have...
  16. 420elf13

    Just want to make sure I'm doing everything right...

    okay, will do, what is the reason for that? I had 3 lights in there, but it was getting too hot, the entire box is reflecting light, so I figured they would be okay up high
  17. 420elf13

    Just want to make sure I'm doing everything right...

    I just planted my white rhino seedlings in hydroton. I have a bubbler system with 3 net pots. I have a few questions just to make sure I'm doing everything right. 1. Do the nutes go directly into the basin? 2. How often should I feed the plants? 3. When I change the nutes out of the basin...