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  1. Strolling Stoned

    Where did I go wrong?

    My PH meter is on route to me via mail. I would guess that it is too acidic. Thanks for confirming the nasty nature of the soil I purchaced. Thanks also for the "heads up" on the selling thing. I must have missed that. Does begging and pleading for help count??? :grin::grin::grin::grin...
  2. Strolling Stoned

    Where did I go wrong?

    Glad to hear the temps look good, but what do you mean by, "dont feed till like 2 -3rd node of real fans"? Sorry, I guess I don't know the lingo...Can you explain? Much appreciated!:joint:
  3. Strolling Stoned

    Where did I go wrong?

    Virtually on top of them Chumlie... Yet, I think the acidic soil did them in, or they went bad during my botched germination attempt. :evil:
  4. Strolling Stoned

    Where did I go wrong?

    Two of the seeds didn't crack at all. The other two did and the roots peaked out slightly from the seed. The problem was, two days later, the roots haden't come out any furthur at all. So I panicked and put them all in this shitty soil. Yes, I agree with you and will follow your advice, (Once...
  5. Strolling Stoned

    Where did I go wrong?

    Two of the seeds didn't crack at all. The other two did and the roots peaked out slightly from the seed. The problem was, two days later, the roots haden't come out any furthur at all. So I panicked and put them all in this shitty soil. Then when I went to water them the next day, the soil was...
  6. Strolling Stoned

    Where did I go wrong?

    Thanks Vi! :blsmoke:
  7. Strolling Stoned

    Where did I go wrong?

    I agree, but that's actually an emergency blanket and foil tape, not tin foil. No one had any Mylar, so I had to settle for this. Sucks I know, but it's the best I could do at the time.
  8. Strolling Stoned

    Where did I go wrong?

    I got the four seeds from a ten dollar mini-bag of smoke. Yeah, I was trying to stay away from Miracle Grow soils (so many say it's bad) so I bought this 40lb bag of "soil." Afterwards I saw the pine bark and thought, "Way too acidic." I think that's what killed them. Not sure though.... Will...
  9. Strolling Stoned

    Where did I go wrong?

    My only four seeds died and I'm trying to firgure out why. Someone said germinate them so I did. Two cracked but they didn't progress beyond that, so within a day so I planted them. Someone else said to the stay away from miracle grow so I bought this generic potting soil. I just noticed the...
  10. Strolling Stoned

    Can male plants get you high???

    Can male plants get you high??? Anyone know? I know why they're bad, but if you cured and smoked them after cutting them down, would you get a buzz, or is there no THC in them? Just curious.... Second question. When you first place your seeds in cups with just basic soil (No pre-included...
  11. Strolling Stoned

    My First Grow Journal

    My First Grow Journal Please, any feedback or suggestions are more than welcome :smile: July 6th, began germination of four seeds, 2 healthy looking and two midgets. July 7th, The two healthy seeds cracked open and 2 tiny sprouts began to peak out. July 8th, Opened the moist towel and...
  12. Strolling Stoned

    Check this out...

    Maybe if my seeds fully sprout, (I only have 4!!!). Two cracked yesterday, but today they looked the same, so I'm concerned... Maybe I should immediately put them in soil??? SS
  13. Strolling Stoned

    Check this out...

    Okay Ravi, here are some more pics... First the top with lights... Here's a view of the front / top Here's the bottom back Bottm back carbon filter... Here's the top and bottom together from the front with front carbon filter... Here's the Top/Back carbon...
  14. Strolling Stoned

    Check this out...

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Duh! :roll: I should read the packages more closely!! :lol: Nope. No green bulb... :cry:
  15. Strolling Stoned

    Check this out...

    You lost me with the green bulb?? Whoooshhh! It went right over my head! What are you referring to? SS :blsmoke:
  16. Strolling Stoned

    Check this out...

    Okay Ravi, I'll ake some more pics soon, although I'm not sure what you mean by vertically. Do mean are they lowerable? No. But you just put a bunch of books under the plants and take one or two out as you need to. Good news, my only four seeds have cracked -- all of them. Now I'll just wait...
  17. Strolling Stoned

    Check this out...

    Thanks Ravi, I assume you just splice the wires in two places, correct? Or would I be better of using a 12V for one and a 9v for another? SS
  18. Strolling Stoned

    Check this out...

    I still need to add fans and exhaust vents. I have three fans, two 4inch and one 3 inch... Here they are... I have all these plugs... Only one 12V... Will any of the others work with my fans? (I'd like to install the two 4 inch fans, but I only have one 12V transformer..) Is two exahust...
  19. Strolling Stoned

    Check this out...

    Here's where I am so far... I have two 30 gallon tubs. Here's the top... I have 10 of these bulbs (they seem extremely bright, is it possible to have too much light?)
  20. Strolling Stoned

    Why Freeze your seeds?

    I read where some people freeze their seeds before germination. Why is this and is their any real purpose to doing this? SS