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  1. zoot1

    Tell me if this setup is good enough to grow a couple plants? (pictures encluded)

    I made a simple set up out of chipboard, covered the inside with Foil, the front is open for the time being better air flow. maybe replace the card with wood, imagine after spending months growing your girls and then coming home to not only a burnt plant but no house....not worth it
  2. zoot1

    My Baby

    Thats good to hear cheers mate. How you think they are looking??
  3. zoot1

    My Baby

    Here are some close ups. Im pretty sure they are girls, just want a 2nd opinion. Let me know what ya think. Cheers
  4. zoot1

    My Baby

    New up date. Been in flower since Sunday, pretty sure htey are female, if some one else could tell me for sure that would be great. Here are just the picture of the plants.
  5. zoot1

    First Grow Journal....enjoy have a look tell me what you think, and pointers would help. Cheers Guys
  6. zoot1

    My Baby

    And here are some pic of my set up. Like i said its a grow tent, with a 400w Sodium. Just using soil, and a fan on a stand about 4 foot away. Nothing spectacular, but on budget, so it'll do me nicely, i hope. (btw, it looks so dark because the flash was on and for some reason it makes it darker)
  7. zoot1

    My Baby

    Now here are My Little en's, first there is the Lowryder 2, which sprouted 3 days ago, then my Maple leaf Indica, looking forward to them. Notice the last picture, it is the smaller Maple Leaf Indica, it has like mould from were the seed ditached, anyone any ideas with this??
  8. zoot1

    My Baby

    Another Up Date. Fa working nicely, apart from the fact i need ot keep closing my tent up every day, which im sure makes things hot in there, due to the fact we have a decorator round, who is an ex copper. Going to put them to flower on Sunday. These Pictures are of the Big Bangs
  9. zoot1

    My Baby

    Just a quick update, the first two pics are of the 'BIG BANG's' and the 3rd is one of my Maple Leaf Indica's about 4 days after sprouting, i think they are looking nice, and the third is a Lowryder 2, i have just got a fan for the grow room so things can only improve ...I hope. was thinking bout...
  10. zoot1

    Little Help Please

    Yer i moved them to take the photos, my Camera spaz's out when i stick it near the light so makes it hard to get good close ups.
  11. zoot1

    Little Help Please

    Oh Learing, i am growing some Lowryders 2's at the mo, looked at yours, makes me look forward to growing them even more!!! thanks for sharing
  12. zoot1

    Little Help Please

    Well cheers all. I have decided to carry on with the grow. They are my babies and my first ones at that, so i will carry on weather they will bring me the fruits of my labour i dont know. Im sure you can all understand that i cant just let em die lol. (jesus i think i like these plants to much)...
  13. zoot1

    My Baby

    Yer thats right Sensi Seeds. i was in Damm at the time and the lovely women in the shop, who we sat and chatted with for about an hour, just said it was her favourite, and would be ok for a first timer as well. spsoed to be lovely bud.....will let you know how they are.
  14. zoot1

    have a look any suggestions will be great no idea here

    Looking good mate. Just enjoy it. I have a few plants, first time grower, and matie is right, over water it, fuck the lighting up, and then learn for next time you do it. I have a few Lowryders now on the go (indoors though).
  15. zoot1

    My Baby

    Here is my baby, about 2 1/2 months old. was under a bad light for 2 months, now in a lovely new grow room, with a 400w Sodium light, no nuits as yet just best soil i could get my hands on. tell me what you think?? Also, a Maple Leaf Indica just sprouting. Beautiful!!
  16. zoot1

    Lecy Bill

    Thanks alot guys nice one.
  17. zoot1

    Lecy Bill

    Just wanted to know, because my mum has been kind enough to let me grow in the house, and using a 400w Sodium light, i just wanted to know if it would make a dramatic change to the eletric bill. I pay her rent, just wanted to know if it would be wise to say il give her more, instead of waiting...
  18. zoot1

    Little Help Please

    Cheers guys...also what sort of temp should it be in there??? i dont if that could be a problem, the facti t was only used to a little shitty viv, with a normal viv light and then moving to a 400w sodium light, might shock it a bit. also the viv was only a foot high, so that might be why its so...
  19. zoot1

    Little Help Please

    Im 20. why??? yer was origial in a small viv with shitty light. they are now in a big space. and looking better. thanks for all the help. what nuits do you think would be best. organic would be better ??
  20. zoot1

    Little Help Please

    (sorry bout all the joints every were there, i dont know what happened)