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  1. zoot1

    Little Help Please

    :joint:My plant is about 2 months old, still in veg state, just using good soil, :joint:no nuits as of yet. Using a 400w Sodium light, and the leaves that are :joint:pointed out in the picture have started to look a little droopy, i have :joint:just moved them into a new grow room, beforei t was...
  2. zoot1

    Big Bang Grow 1

    Cheers mate, was thinking bout topping it, just wasnt 100% sure how? or when?
  3. zoot1

    Big Bang Grow 1

    well i have put the highest quality soil i could get, my mate is a landscape gardener. thats all i put in it, any nutrients u could suggest to help???
  4. zoot1

    Big Bang Grow 1

    They have been under that light for nearly 3 days, they have perked up a bit since, and one has grown about an inch. When you say feed them, what do you think they would like to eat???
  5. zoot1

    Big Bang Grow 1

    Here are some pics of my first grow, they are big bang seeds, they have been going for about 2 &1/2 months now. I have only just put them there new grow room, it uses a 400w sodium light... Im not 100% sure what im doing so any help would be great... I have just been using the best soil i...
  6. zoot1

    Maple Leaf Indica

    Brought some Maple Leaf Indica seeds whilst in The Damm, just started sprouting. If you have any experience, or smoked any please let me know what you think, and any things you may have picked up while growing it would be appreciated. Cheers :hump:
  7. zoot1


    I wanted a playlist/cd, to sit and listen to while geting mashed with mates and not have to get up and change track, and as you all know, doing things like changing tracks, getting bottle openers ect are just not something you wanna do when getting on it. Well i found a solution. I wasnt...
  8. zoot1

    Big Bang Theory???

    Excellent news. well they should arrive on Monday along with the grow room, once i have the new set up done il wack some photos on here of my babies, i only got 2 going, 'she' or 'her' as i like to call number 1 seems alot stronger, but number 2 started of by sprouting 2 shoots. Is that normal...
  9. zoot1

    Big Bang Theory???

    Cheer for the advice. I just brought one of those grow rooms on Ebay, its 2m tall and 1 m width Sq, so i think that will be enough space????? i shall put some pics on ASAP. i have a few yellow tips on a few leaves, from what i've read i think its something to do with the nutrients, but all i...
  10. zoot1

    Big Bang Theory???

    This is my first Plant on the go. So completely new to growing, figure why buy, when you can taste the fruit of your own labor. IF anyone has any tips or advice it would help. First Il let you know were i am at. She is a feminized Big Bang, growing for about 5 weeks and is just over a foot high...