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  1. G

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    the taste of the bud when you smoke it and the smell it has when growing usually tend to be quite different from one another so saying that cuz ur plant doesnt have a smell ittl taste like shit isnt a good guess, it looks like your doing great, lets those bud get nice a fat and when you harvest...
  2. G

    bb blue cheese + jamaican lambsbread first grow!

    just finished reading great grow, even better results, after seeing a good harvest i wanna just walk in my grow and harvest my girls...but not +rep
  3. G

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    glad to help and thanks for taking a looksy, ill either borrow my friends pro HD camera and snap some super macro close-ups of the trics or make a diy lens for my camera, but ill do that at harvest :mrgreen:
  4. G

    Well Al B Fuct, its 2400w in budbox's 2 week harvest......

    maybe next time around when i take some cutting ill try and do airo-clonin and transplant those to DWC buckets cuz the buckets are working great for me. i tried cloning in RW cubes but it didnt work, my root temps where to cold, temp under the dome was way 2 hot and humidity was way to low...
  5. G

    First grow w/250w iguana lamp, soil, closet...

    all incandescent lights suck for growing, even the ones that are labled as "grow lamps" make sure when getting cfls to get the 6500K, DAYLIGHT bulbs for veg and the 2700K, warm white bulbs for flower 26 watt is a good size cuz they come in valu-packs
  6. G

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    from the looks of it they are doing good, the pics are not good some fat buds forming, i dont know why it wouldnt be sticky, it looks sticky to me and like i said some strains just dont stink a lot
  7. G

    First grow w/250w iguana lamp, soil, closet...

    forgot to say that the timer is a must, they are like 15 bux at home depot, it saves you so much hassel
  8. G

    Well Al B Fuct, its 2400w in budbox's 2 week harvest......

    the clones seem to be taking off well iv never really liked the idea of airoponics but i havent seen the whole prosses or results so ill hang around to see what hapens, good luck
  9. G

    First grow w/250w iguana lamp, soil, closet...

    im going to give some advice that light you have, looks to me like an incandescent, GET RID OF IT, they are useless for growing pot, unless you want to keep it as a houseplant and not harvest it you dont need expensive lights either, get a power bar, some light socket adapters (they have a plug...
  10. G

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    lets get some more info on your setup what strain, what light, what medium, 6 weeks old into flower? (how long in veg) you could be getting imune to the smell of the buds or your plant just doesnt have that pungent of an odour, as for stickiness, when the trics start to for the plant starts...
  11. G

    LED/T5 Veg, 400W HPS Flower SCOG Cabinet

    i see that you set up your own drip watering system, how did you construct that?? i see the main feed line that would attach to the pump, and that splitting into the individual watering lines but i dont see and drippers, did you make holes in the tube or does the pump just turn on for a few mins...
  12. G

    My First Grow. CFL and Soil

    great, simple, stealthy cfls are great but keep em as close as possible, when i was using my t5 fixture and had cfls as supliment lighting growth was great but with cfls i found i either have em at a perfect distance but when i get back they grow into the bulb or if i put it farther away they...
  13. G

    First grow journal coco and dwc

    nice grow man those plants are looking so yummmmy the buds are filling in but i think it has more than a week left, id let the buds fill in rele nice before i start the flush have you looked at the trics closely with a magnifier??
  14. G

    big fridge 400w hps 4 plants

    i had an idea to turn a fridge into a grow opp bit didnt exactly see it working out so i dropped it, turns out i was wrong, great grow so far, some massive killer buds you have going
  15. G

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    clones are looking a bit droopy, hopefully they lift up soon, drop some hard roots, and take off like a mother fucker, i think ppm should be at around 300 for clones
  16. G

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    what kinda light is it MH, MV, CFL, incandescent, halogen??? make a diy carbon filter, you can pick up small amounts of activated carbon to make a filter for around 25 bux, use the activated carbon pellets they sell in aquarium stores used to refill water filter packs
  17. G

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    all the people on this forum that have talked about epsom salt for whatever problem have said that if that wasnt the cause of the problem then the salt wont hurt the plant, as for the lime, they say use lemons to change ph if you cant aford the actual shit so i doubt lime will do anyting bad...
  18. G

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    for mold i think you should go and take care of the problem instead of making or buying a solution, the humidity doesnt have to be that high as long as the air is sitting around mold will form, do you have enough ventilation and air circulation?
  19. G

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    iv grow in soup tins, youghurt containers, cardboard juice jugs (the ones with plastic lining), even those folgers coffee tins and my plants didnt complain, i wouldnt recomend the coffee tin seeing as it started to rust but the rest where fine. your saying you juice jug has a metal lining...
  20. G

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    usually you grow a mother, take clones, root em, throw a clone from each mother into flower to find out sex, if male kill clone and mother, if female take more clones from mother to either flower or grow as a new mother i think going back and forth between light scheduals with a mother is...