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  1. G

    best way to switch light cycles

    @ hedgehunter, there are 2 points here, i was told that 24 hours of darkness (up to 72 hours) gives time for the plant to sex itself before its flowered...but i was also told that 24 hours dark can stress ur plant between cycles and turn em hermie i did several searches here and on other sites...
  2. G

    best way to switch light cycles

    i have my plants under 18/6 ATM by friday this week or beginning of next week ill have my hps light delivered and set-up, id like to know whats the best way to switch from 18/6 to 12/12 here are options i thought up and saw, tell me what you think is better 1. 18on 6off 18on 12off 12on...
  3. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    i seem to have a little problem with a bunch of fruit flies in my soil an on my plants, what should i do??
  4. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    ok, so im strapped for cash and i cant get my hps system for at least another week, should i keep em under 18/6 for the time being on the fluros or just put them 12/12 under the fluros till i get my hps??
  5. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    the height is slowing down but the undergrowth is great, both the plants i mentioned are looking female :D the third...i dont know....tell me what you think
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    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    i can see another 2 sets of pistils today!!! also does anyone know why the third plants leaves are yellowing with brown spots??, the rest is healthy and growing well
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    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    sorry it took a while but as promised here are the pics 2 close-up shots of what i think are my girls and a pic of each of my babies tell me what yall think
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    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    i wanted to keep em strait, but i guess if it takes me more time to get my flowering light then ill probly just bend them to the side, i dont rele wanna fuk around with a screen rite now... i mite take some clones later off these girls and then go for a small scrog setup GREAT NEWS!! looks like...
  9. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    seeing as height and light penetration is becoming an issue i think that would be a good idea, is there anything else to it or just tie some string to the plants top and pull it down to the side??
  10. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    no hits eh??
  11. G

    My Dog Eats Weed

    a friend of mines dog loves the herb, my friend has been smoking medicinally for 8 years and the dog always goes up to my friend or me when we blaze and sticks her nose right by our faces when we exhale, she also ate some bud a couple of time, she was trippin mad balls in the backyard playing...
  12. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    ok, so its 45 day veggin they are still growing but not that guessing the size of the plant vs. the amount of light available is the reason, until i get the funds for an hps ill have to keep on veggin. the question i still am asking is the older fan leaves that are shading the...
  13. G

    should i transplant to bigger pot or wait

    wat do you mean?? i didnt cut anything, i just popped it out of the old pot, massaged the rootball a bit, and popped it into the new pot, then i lightly packed the sides with soil
  14. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    today is the 4th day after transplanting, humidity is a bit low between 25-35 normaly hangs at 30%, temps are quite steady 75-80F, my watering routine is water every 3 days and alternate between nute water and just ph'd water. nutes are GH flora nova grow. and as for the bending and trimming, im...
  15. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    thanks for dropping a line my bigest plant is now 12 inches, the other big one is 11 and the smallest is 9 they have slowed down in growth quite a bit, could this be cuz of the transplant or what else?? 4 days and they have grown about 3/4 of an inch with 2 new leaves...
  16. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    they are looking quite nice, my hps sytem is on its way ans should be here in about a week or so and ill start flowering then i took some nice pics of my babies, i like the size of one of those 1kilo coffee roast cans, i just punch some holes in the bottom for drainage and its good, my leaf tips...
  17. G

    homebox L, with 400W agrosun mh.

    i was told that if you flood MG soil like that it doesnt drain properly and fuks up your plants, but i just did that now and after this watering my plants seemed happier, hope it holds up, thanks for the response (how do i give rep??) sorry to hear that your little herms a gonner squigggs but i...
  18. G

    homebox L, with 400W agrosun mh.

    just finished reading your journal its looking good, keep up the good work and i hope to see some nice looking buds in the end and mared juwan, i used to water the way you mentioned, flood, let water pour out drain holes and let sit till mostly dry but i recently transplanted to some MG soil and...
  19. G

    Mg 0.14-0.14-0.14

    my plants seem 2 be doing great, i dont think that my soil will be a prob with nutes seeing as its a low % i dont want to go and water these guys like my old ones (water until water is coming out drain holes) cuz i heard its bad for the soil but the plants look like they will need daily water...
  20. G

    Mg 0.14-0.14-0.14

    transplanted a few days ago and they seem to be doing well. i had a question tho, my normal watering regime was water until water is coming out the drain holes and then leave for 3 days, and i nuted every other water with GH flora nova grow. i was told that with MG soil you shouldnt soak the...