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  1. G

    should i transplant to bigger pot or wait

    here are some pics during transplant, some nice roots but the transplant was deff needed ill upload some pics of the plants in their new pots soon tell me what you think
  2. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    i didnt have any other soil that some MG 0.14-0.14-0.14 but since its such a low % i dont think ittl be much of a prob, ill just pay some more attention to the watering and how much nutes i use. i also was picking through my soil and removed as many of the fertiliser liquid filled pellets as i...
  3. G

    What's Happening?

    i dont want to take over but this is breaching a question id like answered, if the older bigger fan leaves are yellowing and wilting, thus covering new fresh growth, should the bigger older yellowing leaves be cut to let light get to new healthy growth?? (these plants are in veg)
  4. G

    Mg 0.14-0.14-0.14

    i did a google search again and lots of people are having problems with miracle grow but its always 20-20-20 or 15-15-15...i didnt see any mentioning problems with 0.14-0.14-0.14 so i transplanted and im ganna wait a couple of day before watering again with just ph'd water and next water ill add...
  5. G

    Mg 0.14-0.14-0.14

    my plants are outgrowing their pots quickly and id like to transplant, i have a bag of miracle grow 0.14-0.14-0.14 (N-P-K) i heard that time released nutes are bad but since its such a low % can i use this?? currently they are in crappy backyard soil and it has poor drainage cuz no perlite the...
  6. G

    yellowing bottom leaves and wilting leaves

    here are 2 pics you can see in the second pic after i lifted up the leaf there is some really nice healthy growth coming out but that leaf and a most of the other original leaves that grew with purple stems are more droopy and compared to the new growth, all green and healthy and strong iv...
  7. G

    yellowing bottom leaves and wilting leaves

    ok so the update, my plants are doing quite well, iv got tones of new undergrowth coming out but its coming out really slow cuz the bigger leaves that where the first few to come out are now shading the younger leaves quite a bit, my plant isnt that big length wise but is quite the little bush...
  8. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    sorry its been a while but iv been busy my plant are looking quite nice, i took some nice pics. tell me what you guys think i also put a pic of one of the leaves that is a bit damaged still, it isnt spreading but its been like that for about a week now
  9. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    the seeds i got where from a buddy of mine, i think they are bluberry kush or something like that but its deff a fruity, berry strain i had them under the 96 watter until about a week ago, i added 2 26 watt cfls on the side and i plan on getting at least another 2 when it comes to flowering i...
  10. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    let me know when you get some pics up and post a link, id like to take a look @ your setup
  11. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    thanks BLUNTED4REAL, do you have a journal yet? anyways i think im just trippin here, i was looking at some pics on the web and im guessing its the cylax or sumthing like that thats growing there, lol
  12. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    ...sorry, tried to edit my retarded title and turned into a post, w/e
  13. G

    yellowing bottom leaves and wilting leaves

    here are some more pics, the browning isnt spreading off those leaves so for now im not going to cut em...or is it better to cut off bad leaves?? also i think my babies are showing there sex...i think shes a girl...take a look and tell me wat ya think
  14. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    :-P i think they are i have close ups of my 2 bigger plants tell me what you guys think
  15. G

    Ghetto Grow Box (CFL)

    ya thanks happy hollidays 2 u 2 lookin forward 2 some updates
  16. G

    yellowing bottom leaves and wilting leaves

    any guesses on the brown splotches?? its working its way up the leaves so im probly ganna cut em tomorow ill take some pics again after lights on please give some input
  17. G

    should i transplant to bigger pot or wait

    iv heard a lot of other people here using that 3% shit im using and have no probs, i guess thats y i have 2 use more of it to c a result tho, lol plants are looking good and im happy check out my journal
  18. G

    Big buds and Eastern Europe wild cannabis.

    i think if you where to mount your lights sideways you would get more usable light, i think most of your light is just being wasted at your walls that arent reflective
  19. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    i posted a thread in the plant problems forum but i didnt get a response for i while so i ended up watering them and they perked rite up... i guess i the leaves are still yellowish at the bottom, im using GH floranova grow at 1/2 strength but some people here have told me to...