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  1. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    hey guys here are some more pics from tonight this is just before watering, you can see my first plant (pic 3) is a bit drooped...i think its cuz its been 3 days now and the soil is dry about 3 inches down i gave them nutes this watering as well, @ 1/2 strength i replanted the 3rd plant and i...
  2. G

    Cheap lighting, where to get??

    iv checked out inside sun but i think their quality is poor, thats my opinion though feel free to coment on this (who has bought from here, what do you think) iv been to bustan and they have some good stuff but their prices are quite up there if you check out their website you can see what i...
  3. G

    Cheap lighting, where to get??

    well here is an update, econolight would have been a great option but they dont ship to canada at the moment which sux major balls i found this site that has fair prices check it out and tell me what you...
  4. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    here is the update for you guys 14th of dec (17 days vegg) iv put up a pic of both my babies ill keep you posted on the third one as it progresses slowly but healthilly thanks for the input and comments, keep em comming bongsmilie
  5. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    here are some pics, i took some pics with a tape measure so you can see how big they are (well how wide anyways, both of them are about 5 inches wide by 3 inches high) :weed: im also really happy that my third plant, that i thought was a gonner but held onto it anyways, now its living again and...
  6. G

    Cheap lighting, where to get??

    nobody at all??!?!? im surprised
  7. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    fro t5's id say your best bet for the cheapest price would be ebay or craigslist ill take a few pics soon and post them
  8. G

    Cheap lighting, where to get??

    there has to be someone here on RIU that lives in canada and has done something like this, and knows a good supplier
  9. G

    stupid question for the electricians on board

    no problemo, lol good luck
  10. G

    stupid question for the electricians on board

    yupp you can put 2 neutral wires in the same spot on the neutral bar, not a problem
  11. G

    Cheap lighting, where to get??

    is a small growbox, i might end up getting some wood later and fabricating my own for the flowering stage but its going to be quite small, not tiny but fairly small so ill make the cool tubes connect them with some 4" ducting and out to a fan blowing out of the box. i was thinking put two in the...
  12. G

    Cheap lighting, where to get??

    what do you guys think??
  13. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    here are the pics i promised from this morning and vandettaz im not quite sure, in my oppinion i think the pots are a good size for now but how long should i wait to transplant to bigger pots, and how big should the final pot size be taking into consideration that im growing them to about a...
  14. G

    Do I need to put my fan on a timer?

    lots of debating here my grow, fans on 24/7 since its a small box it brings in fresh air and blow right at my plants, my plants are small but have quite a thick stem compared to others iv seen (check out my grow, it in my sig)
  15. G

    How you can use a carbon filter

    i dont see mounting position to be an issue
  16. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    ill post some pics in about 3 hours or so when my babies wake up
  17. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    lol to coin a phrase "you wanna get high??!!?!" you made my day
  18. G

    Hey yall should check out this dual spect grow room!!!!!!!

    that mothers in baaAAAAD shape, sorry 2 say
  19. G

    Grow Box Question

    with that setup 4 will fit comfortably but you could probly get away with 9 in there but ittl b tight
  20. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    good luck with that, when i got my fixture it made hella difference im already callin my plants girls (mabi the aura of me saying it will make them be female) <-- im to high, lmfao