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  1. G

    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    the pots are 6 inches wide and 6 inched deep (however there is only about 4 inches of soil) plants are about 2 inches high and 4 inches across the fan leaves they are growing so fast, i can already see some undergrowth on two of the bottom sets of fan leaves
  2. G

    96 watt fluro grow

    thanks for the response guys i agree with OregonMeds, hps light is hps light, i have worked with these ballasts before and besides efficiency there isnt much difference in ballast quality, some really high priced ones have heavy duty windings but they take more power and homegrwn to tell the...
  3. G

    96 watt fluro grow

    here are the pics from today im going to stop posting daily pics here cuz i started my grow journal in the Grow Journals forum, check it out
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    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    here are 2 snaps from today they are looking good, i was a bit worried yesterday as the leaves jumped up quite a bit after watering but there good now... what do you guys think??
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    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    first 2 pix from 7th next 2 from 8th next 2 from 9th last pic is of growbox setup, forgot to put that up beforehand and as you can see there is a small fan blowing into my box to keep circulation and air moving across the plants (hear it makes em stronger)
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    first grow under 96 watt fluro fixture

    Edit: for flowering im using a 250 hps I started off with a few problems and posted in the plant problems forum and then posted in the indoor growing forum but seeing as im a member here and seeing as this is the appropriate forum in going to start a grow journal here. I really want to hear...
  7. G

    96 watt fluro grow

    you can get brand name hps and mh bulbs from outdoor hid lighting companies and they are arround 30 bux a buld, i know they will never equal up to a sunmaster bulb or any specialty bulb but honestly for a budget personal grow i dont think there is much of a diff between a 30 dollar bulb and a...
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    96 watt fluro grow

    the fact is that a 5.75 bulb is probly the equivalent of a dollarama cfl, you can get them for a fukn dollar as opposed to arround 8-12 bux a pice but it wont last as long or come with any guarantee, but it still worx the main problem is that anything labled to be used for grrowing is...
  9. G

    96 watt fluro grow

    that looks like a great deal, ballast and bulb for 20 bux, i cant complain, ill go to my hydro store and get a reflector for 30 bux, i can have a 150 watt hps system for 50 bux :D just want to ask, do you know if they ship to canada??
  10. G

    96 watt fluro grow

    i was just taking a look @ your grow, nice looking plants you got there, it must have been frustrating dealing with getting all your males and hermies first eh? lol thanks for the replies, its my first grow and im a bit 2, gonna smoke a splif
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    96 watt fluro grow

    im only concerned cuz earlier in the day the leafs where actually fanned out like all the others and they just started crimping up like that about 4 hours ago after i watered thanks for the reply
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    96 watt fluro grow

    the pics didnt go up the first time so i uploaded again take a look, leave an oppinion
  13. G

    96 watt fluro grow

    here are the pics, i circled in red the leafs the change is really visible on earlier today they where all fine, now this, is this normal, over water, over nute common guys, lots of view but not many replies
  14. G

    96 watt fluro grow

    hey guys, i watered my babes about 2 hours ago and the leafs kinda lifted up, they went from just hanging there chillin like usual and i noticed now that the leaf is almost completely straight and the whole leaf is pointing upwards soon ill take a pic once my cameras batery is charged
  15. G

    96 watt fluro grow

    im in canada and home depot does not carry their 150 watt or 250 watt HPS outdoor floodlights or any HID wallpacks that they carry in the states does anyone know where i could get a cheap 70-250 watt hps light in canada here are some more pics, im watering them today cuz its been 3 days and the...
  16. G

    Lighting Questions?

    while you can get the same lumens and the right spectrum it is hard to grow a big bushy plant with leds as they have limited depth penetration, leds ar good for growing many small little plants, HID is the best to get big bushy buds
  17. G

    96 watt fluro grow

    here are the pics i promised, i circled the browning leaf and the 2 spots i was speaking of, any ideas or thoughts (the browning is ever so slowly spreading back, you can see this if you look back a few sets of pics) other than that i think they are doing pretty good please share any advice...
  18. G

    a quick question

    not trying to take over here but it seems you know what your talking about and i tried asking this question b4. i have heard when switching from 24/0 to 18/6 there was a growth spurt that the plants experienced, you are saying switching is stressfull, whats you oppinion about that and what...
  19. G

    a quick question

    do you have any pics
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    WhiteWidow-Purple-Kush Pictures *UPDATE*

    gr8 looking plant, how old r they i love to see a grow go well, makes me happy and tingly inside picturing my plants coming out like that :D