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  1. G

    Problems with my sprout?

    how old, what lights u have looks like maybe lights are 2 far away
  2. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    check out these updated pics it seems to be growing, just slowly how much should i water my plants and how often the soil was damp when i did the transplanting but rite now about an inch and a half down its moist but not wet enuf for the soil to be sticky enuf to stay on my finger should i b...
  3. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    here are my 2 little ones in soil, the third one has died they look ok, but its my first grow so i have no real clue they seem to be growing but they are now a week or 6 days in with 22 hours light on, i think a bit small?? hope they pull thru
  4. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    based on the picture guide and the ones iv seen before id say its either nitrogen deff potasium deff or zinc deff those are the 3 that seem to match my probs, zinc not as much i have transfered my babies from the rockwool cubes in hydroton into potting soil im running on a low budget so i used...
  5. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    c'mon guys, any help at all the one plant that has a 3rd set of leafs coming out is growing slowly but there and 4 more little leafs on the way that seem to be coming along healthy, but slow. but the 2nd set of leafs on that plant (1st set of real leafs) still has the brown spots on its tips and...
  6. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    here is an update with 2 pics my main plant continues to grow, slowly. but the browning/yellowing at the tips of the matured leafs is spreading, because the plant is small im wondering if i should cut the bad part out of the leaf or remove the entire leaf? (marked in red is the unidentified...
  7. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    i let back on the watering, i keep the ph around 6 but i likes to kreep towards 7 so i use phosphoric acid to bring it down. im not using nutes (any recomendations on what nutes to get, im looking at flora nova grow and bloom) the medium was never let to dry out
  8. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    i have 3 plants under 2 X 23 w cfl and 2 X 15 w fluro fixture. they started out fine but a 3 days in i noticed that 2 of the plants where behind, they havent grown their 3rd set of leafs, i can see that they had started but they just turned yellow and shriveled up (look at attached pics) my 3rd...