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  1. Maat Aatack

    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    One of the last times I bought a pound of mj, I found a Winnebago in the bag.
  2. Maat Aatack

    1st Grow in a while

    Photos of the ladies at lights-on tonight:
  3. Maat Aatack

    1st Grow in a while

    Well...2 weeks of flowering hours and things are good. This last feeding I felt like I was pushing them a bit, but they are looking to have enjoyed it. I'll probably go light on the next watering and maybe leach a little bit to keep the salts honest... I should probably get a ppm meter.
  4. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Better than any media I've ever known! :-)
  5. Maat Aatack

    Difficult Strains?

    Leave the science to the scientists, leave the growing to the farmers (a.k.a. potsmokers in these forums)
  6. Maat Aatack

    Difficult Strains?

    Yes, I'd have to have lots more space, money to burn and a commitment to the challenge. I'm currently growing an "easy" strain. Being first grow back in a while I'm taking it slowly. Frankly it's kepping me busy enough and I'm not sure how i would deal with differing strain needs, I'm having...
  7. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    These are all wwxbb, the same plants as the above picture, in 2nd week of flower under 2 x 1000w hps
  8. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Just looked at some old pics of one from when they were 4 weeks... Under 650hps
  9. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Hey nice. Looking healthy for sure. What lighting are you under again?
  10. Maat Aatack

    Difficult Strains?

    I think I'm hearing proper environment is relative depending on the needs/special considerations.
  11. Maat Aatack

    Difficult Strains?

    16week flowering duration? Never heard of such a thing! That would be rather testing I'd say!
  12. Maat Aatack

    Makeshift Everything!

    Very cool. Way to work with the natural environment while incorporating autoflower genetics:clap:
  13. Maat Aatack

    Difficult Strains?

    Just nutes it's picky with huh? What's the climate you grow in? Indoor or out?
  14. Maat Aatack

    Makeshift Everything!

    Yes holes are drilled on top of the top pvc tube, and it sheets down the towel. How strongly and directly the fan blows on it determines how rapidly it evaporates the water.
  15. Maat Aatack

    Difficult Strains?

    Defo a good list and something's to keep in mind. As I write this though, im just reflecting on the importance of knowing what environment we are able to provide to the plants. Choosing strains to grow should be done in congruence with the environment it is to be grown and finished in agreed?
  16. Maat Aatack

    White Widow X Bigbud

    Plant in the pic is Daisy. She's the most vigorous of the phenos of the 20 seeds I germinated. she will be 7 weeks old tomorrow. I pinched her once at 5 weeks, and LST her when needed. The whole lot of them are pretty easy going with the exception of one that is never satisfied... Probably more...
  17. Maat Aatack

    Makeshift Everything!

    Glad you like my friend! :-) the froggy towel is what makes it for me :-)
  18. Maat Aatack

    Makeshift Everything!

    yes once I figured how to deal with the lack of humidity, I feel lucky to not have the opposite problem :-| regarding the frostiness... First indoor grow in about 20 years, so it has yet to be seen :-) got my fingers crossed of course :peace:
  19. Maat Aatack

    Makeshift Everything!

    That is some dedicated make shifting there my friend. :leaf:
  20. Maat Aatack

    Difficult Strains?

    First off, love the avatar... In my top 3 favorite movies of all time. Second, thank you for the info. Would seem like an interesting project to put it all down on paper. If we know why they are difficult we should be able mitigate the difficulty no?