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  1. Maat Aatack

    1st Grow in a while

    Alright. The humidity has arrived, and my fans are working overtime to exchange the air. With RH in the solid 50%-60% range ink longer need that humidifier and am now looking at dehumidifiers. Spendy little devils ya? Think I'm gonna try a couple of things before I drop the wad....
  2. Maat Aatack

    plants drooping under new lights

    I wouldn't think it wasn't possible... A consistent and stable environment is desirable, but temperature fluctuations to greater degrees happen in nature... So unless they are breading that adaptability out unintentionally or otherwise I would think it is unlikely that it is your problem.
  3. Maat Aatack

    plants drooping under new lights

    Ok... Now I'm stumped
  4. Maat Aatack

    plants drooping under new lights

    Humm... I like to transplant in dim lit areas because roots don't like light... Actually I did a water change the other day with a Deepwater culture of kale that I have outside in natural light.One of the plants out of eight had roots exposed to high noon sunlight and it has flopped over and is...
  5. Maat Aatack

    plants drooping under new lights

    Transplanting done in dim light?
  6. Maat Aatack

    plants drooping under new lights

    It almost sounds like some kind of transplant shock. Are you sure you didn't mess with the roots of those plants too much?
  7. Maat Aatack

    plants drooping under new lights

    How about a picture or two? I must say this one is a bit of a mystery. I've not had a plant ever wilt in response to a light. Three days post transplant and no improvement?
  8. Maat Aatack

    1st Grow in a while

    found a bit of bleaching on a few of the tops :-/ no bueno. Also I decided to quit testing nutes mid grow. I mean im all for experimentation, but I think I'll save it for my tomatoes. :)
  9. Maat Aatack

    5gal dwc mader

    It's quite the beast this thing is, and I'm impressed with the hydroponic thing. So the setup is natural light in a 5gal with a bubbler stone. Gets lots of light and goes through 10 gallons in a few days (one feed and one top off). I don't have a ppm meter, so I'm doing a complete water change...
  10. Maat Aatack

    where do i go from here?

    It sounds like you are equipped to succeed. my current grow is in soil.
  11. Maat Aatack

    stunted growth?...i think

    Funny I just smoked some of that... If I recall it's an indica dominant, so that sounds about normal then.
  12. Maat Aatack

    where do i go from here?

    Yes that's a great website, lots of good pointers and very easy to understand. What kind of gear did you get? How big is your growing area? What kind of strain are you going to grow?
  13. Maat Aatack

    stunted growth?...i think

    Yeah, i have some wwxbb that are in week 3 of flower and are only a couple feet tall. Little Pom poms
  14. Maat Aatack

    stunted growth?...i think

    can be normal. What strain are you growing?
  15. Maat Aatack

    need help

    Can't remember if you mentioned what strain you are growing??
  16. Maat Aatack

    need help

    Not sure how bright it is. May be a good call to cover it up. Plants are sensitive to red light for sure.
  17. Maat Aatack

    plants drooping under new lights

    Dude your tone is gonna get you no help. There are already way too many snippy biches on these forums for people to deal with civilly. You should be gracious for any help you get instead of shutting people down when they try to assist you. We work with limited information most of the time, so it...
  18. Maat Aatack

    im baaaaccckkk. need strain selection help

    Sorry i Sorry didn't get the breeder. This was just something I smoked. I've done a bit of looking and found a 'super jackpot' which was Sativa dominant, but have yet to locate an indica heavy 'jackpot' variety. Haze cross huh? I hear they can be kinda bitchy to grow yes?
  19. Maat Aatack

    Paranoid buying online?

    Paranoia will destroy ya... I so wish every state had medical laws. Pot smokers are not criminals, and I really hate the shady place 'the man' puts us in. This community on a whole is more intelligent and more placid than the greater population on the whole. It's a shame some of us have to worry...