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  1. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    This friday will be the end of 5 weeks. I think they may be a little behind since I shocked them early in their veg cycle. Rather than age, I'm going to pay more attention to the color change in the pistils. They don't smell too much yet. Sometimes I put them right up to my nose so I can...
  2. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    Thanks danky dank. It's good to know things are well on their way. I've been a little unsure about everything, so all the support helps out!
  3. AM/PMS

    10 Lowryder#2 and Auto AK47 Plants. AEROGARDEN

    Is that fungus on your rockwool? I heard rockwool can grow fungus from light exposure. I covered mine, but i'm using soil and it was causing the plant to stay a little moist underneath, so i've stopped. I don't know if leaving them exposed like that is hurting your plants or not. But it...
  4. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    My plants appear to be doing very well. They are shooting pistils out left and right and i can't wait until the plants are full of buds. I also just started one of the g13 power skunk seeds that were a part of their promotion going on in the past month. It's got a taproot popping out...
  5. AM/PMS


    Yes i do Jats, but i hope that's not the problem! And thank you HWC, I will use that trick until it's fixed.
  6. AM/PMS


    is someone on this??
  7. AM/PMS


    What the hell is wrong with the rollitup search bar? Am I the only person experiencing this problem of having no way to navigate through the site??
  8. AM/PMS

    Fox Farms question

    Hey Budski, i have that thing too. It's kind of a piece of shit. But it's good for checking the moisture in the soil. You should look at one of the Hanna PH meters. I got this one. I hated it at first because I'm just learning. But give it a chance and you will be happier with Its results...
  9. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    Today is four weeks. These were taken last night. I think this leaf got burned because it got in a light. I found it this morning and just about shit. I've calmed down though. They are really starting to kick into gear.
  10. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    I feel like they aren't doing that well because i've been so busy with school. To fix my watering problem I just constantly check my moisture meter and let the plants go dry a day between waterings. And for nutes I've been using Ironite liquid plant food. I only started using it because my...
  11. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    Welcome back to my pathetic thread! Today I have some nice pictures of my three females to share. Let's wish them luck! Edit: I forgot! Last night when I went to gaze at my cuties, i saw a white bug making its way up my best girl's stem. I didn't want to grab at it and I wasn't fast enough...
  12. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    Two of my plants began to show sex. Now i just have to pray that they don't form balls too. I think I'll switch to all 2700ks soon.
  13. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    I added 3 2700ks into the picture tonight.
  14. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    Haha! I bet you want to smack me by now. I know, I gotta quit being an idiot. I'm trying real hard though! It's just so hard to resist messing with them. Sometimes I just sit there and watch them for what seems like hours. Hey Fyfe, I wanted to ask you, did you get a lowlife seeds card...
  15. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    So I just did the dumbest thing i've done yet. I ripped some leaves off on accident when trying to check my plants out with my new microscope. I hope this isn't too bad.
  16. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    Thanks! I'll wait for more yellowing and if it persists i'll end nutes.
  17. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    I must have stunted the growth of these plants because they are a little behind compared to others I've seen. But oh well, as long as I get to learn through this first grow, I'm happy. I decided to add a couple nutrient solutions into the mix. The first one was Ironite plant food and the...
  18. AM/PMS

    is it just me, or do these look like their yellowing?!

    Good luck with getting those going! I just went to home depot today and picked up some ironite liquid food for my plants. I heard it works well in greening up your plants so i'm gonna try it out. But then again I'm a first timer and I take advice from anyone too easily. Do you have any...
  19. AM/PMS

    is it just me, or do these look like their yellowing?!

    Hey King, I hope it's the water issue because mine look the same and i tend to use the bottle too much too. That's funny you said that about the hand smacker because my girlfriend has been doing that for me.
  20. AM/PMS

    First Grow-Ak47ryder/White Russianryder/Lowryder#2

    Thanks I'll go move them up. And i thought so too about the rockwool, but that little thing is so shriveled again. It's probably way dead by now. How do the lights look in the pic? I just moved it up from an inch to about 4 or 5 inches above the plants.