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  1. P

    Utterly peed right off!!!!!!

    i done it by accident with the propagation dome.
  2. P

    Utterly peed right off!!!!!!

    yes they lost there heads by accident,
  3. P

    Utterly peed right off!!!!!!

    Hi just been to check my germinated seeds that i planted in coco 3 days ago well they had grown about 1.5 inches & the dome that i had over them i have caught the heads with the tiny 2 leaves on of 3 of my plants, the question i ask is will they grow leaves still or shall i kiss the as*...
  4. P

    when should i plant my seedlings?

    Hi All, got up this morning and 75% of my seedlings have sprouted there 1st 2 leaves when should i transplant to the containers? and when should i start with nutrients canna A & B i am growing in coco they are about 1.5" inches tall Many thanks.
  5. P

    Mr Muscle spray Germinated seeds!!!!

    Ok i was told to mist spray my germinated seeds using a spray bottle so the bottle of mr muscle had about 25ml left in it i emptied it out cleaned & filled with new water. have been using this for the last 36 hours has a slight scent of mr muscle in the bottle. Ok just to say i have had...
  6. P

    Sprouting Germination

    Hello everyone, Ok so after my initial thought on frying my newly germinated seeds here is what i have done. I took the 600w HPS and turned it off and got the 60W energy saver bulb & put this above the seedling tray. My humidity was at 31% and my temp was at 28 degrees c which i thought was...
  7. P

    Help germinated sprouted

    Ok the 600w was drying the soil very fast, and the temp got to 32 which is like 93 F i have put the 60w over the top of the plants cfl nice & close sprayed the seedlings & humidity has rose from 31% to 55% after temperature has dropped to 23 C Which is like 80 F. Hopefully this should be ok &...
  8. P

    Help germinated sprouted

    thanks for the info are you saying not have any light at all?
  9. P

    Help germinated sprouted

    Hey all think i need a little help. i planted my seedlings yesterday and put the light on for 12 hours 600w hps. i also put it about a metre high away from the seelings. it had a dark period for 6 hours midnight - 0600. i have kept the soil moist giving it a mist every 3/4 hours except for...
  10. P

    Somebody help!

    forgot to add my humidity is like 31% should i be using the dome above tray whilst light is on?
  11. P

    Somebody help!

    i have a 60w energy saver bulb? can i place this directly over the tray? it is a tray about 50cm x 20cm with about 3 inches deep would this be ok?
  12. P

    Somebody help!

    Hey all think i need a little help. i planted my seedlings yesterday and put the light on for 12 hours 600w hps. i also put it about a metre high away from the seelings. it had a dark period for 6 hours midnight - 0600. i have kept the soil moist giving it a mist every 3/4 hours except for...
  13. P

    Planted Germinated seeds.

    Ment to add, i have had the lights on from 1300 Today for the 1st day they are due to go off at midnight having been on for 11 hours and then they come on at 0600 - 0000 18/6 thanks.
  14. P

    Planted Germinated seeds.

    Hi All here is what i have done, I have planted the germinated seeds in coco, just about 1/2 inch deep taproot pointing down. I have raised the 600w HPS to a metre high from the seedling tray & i have been keeping them moist using a spray bottle. I have the oscilating fan on the seedling...
  15. P

    Planting germinated seeds!!

    i see, so are you saying the ones like 60 watt energy saver bulb? thanks pr
  16. P

    Planting germinated seeds!!

    hmmmm... spent over £2000 on a setup & never got a CFL cant really budget for it considering electric cost also... what height can i safely put the 600 at? thanks. pr.
  17. P

    Planting germinated seeds!!

    HAHA, thanks for the heads up i just didnt want to affect the cycle by running the lights for 12 hours the 1st day..
  18. P

    Planting germinated seeds!!

    Hi all woke up this morning to a nice surprise my seeds have germinated and have a tap root of about 1cm.... Ok so i am going to plant them now in a seedling tray for about 1 week and then transplant them to the main grow pots 10 litres. Ok it is 1140 BST. And i intend to plant them in next...
  19. P

    Help Seeds!!

    Thanks appreciate all this help, guy in the shop who sold me the stuff said "on the grow get the soil wet when using 10 litre pots so i have 5 pots on a 1metre x 1 metre tray he said get the coco nice & moist and then get 10 litres of water and simply poor it into the tray so the coco sucks the...
  20. P

    Help Seeds!!

    Thank you for all your comments, really appreciate the reassurance as it is my first grow just a little panicky. Ok if i put in coco now when should i expect them to get the 1st couple of leaves... Should i use canna A & B Straight away or just use plain water for 1st week? i also have a bottle...