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  1. H

    Brampton city tap water

    What type of supplement do U mean. The flora series trio ?
  2. H

    Brampton city tap water

    Thanks u very much jimbo. So no need for me to leave tap water out for 24 hours to let some chlorine evaporate ? Cuz I heard if I do that I solve chlorine issue if one but then I let out oxygen and need a bubbler in water to keep it to good oxygen level for plants U have been very...
  3. H

    Brampton city tap water

    That’s awesome to know. So there’s no need to leave my water out for 24 hours pre feed or water. I can go from tap to plants. With ph adjust tho right. Or do u have any tips for a newbie
  4. H

    Brampton city tap water

    Autoflowers in FFOF soil. Any tips
  5. H

    Brampton city tap water

    I will be growing in soil aswell
  6. H

    Brampton city tap water

    So u grow from Toronto. Is it fine to use tap water or the chlorine levels too high
  7. H

    Brampton city tap water

    I was talking to jimbo
  8. H

    Brampton city tap water

    Where are u from
  9. H

    Brampton city tap water

    I tried looking for it to post it. I can’t even find it ?
  10. H

    Brampton city tap water

    Hey everyone. Has anyone grown in Brampton Ontario. How is the tap water for chlorine. Is it ok to feed with from the tap ?
  11. H

    Ph pen and tds(ec) pen amazon

    What do u think about the apera pc60 Has heard its same but a bit cheaper
  12. H

    Ph pen and tds(ec) pen amazon

    I don’t mind spending a bit extra on ph pen if my plants thank me later. Can u recommend ph pen off amazon. Maybe one u used or know is good ?
  13. H

    Ph pen and tds(ec) pen amazon

    Can anyone recommend me a good ph pen and tds -ec pen of amazon or a store. I seen Vivosun set for both 26 bucks. Seems to good to be true. Any help please I want meters to be reliable Thanks
  14. H

    Tsl2000 x2. 4x4 tent

    I have a 4x4 and 6.5 tall tent. I got 2 tsl2000 the long ones from mars hydro Can any give some advice on how to hang them in tent. Most off all what type off space do I leave in between the 2 lights to give off my best coverage ?
  15. H

    Tsl2000. Grow tent 4x4?

    I have 2 of them
  16. H

    Tsl2000. Grow tent 4x4?

    How much of a gap should I have in between these 2 lights ? For best coverage
  17. H

    FFOF soil with auto seeds

    And wha will ec read for nutes needed and nutes not needed? Are the Vivosun pens any good on amazon
  18. H

    FFOF soil with auto seeds

    Why don’t why don’t u ph your water with fox farm ? Can't that create lock out
  19. H

    FFOF soil with auto seeds

    Than Thanks man. Lots of help. So with you suggested mix 75% FFOF and top layer 25% happy frog Shud the bout some extra perlite in aswell And I will have soil left over. How long it stay good for. And is this a good schedule to follow with your soil mix