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  1. King Blunt

    Misty Cont. & Others...

    Thanks guys for the subs and for replying. I can only update every so often cuase of the shitty internet service lol, but thanks.
  2. King Blunt

    Misty Cont. & Others...

    here's an update on Misty! :) here's an overall great view of misty :) she's a plant of well being in sun :) bottom top? lol. the top of Misty.. I think she's doing exceptionally well and I can't wait until she's ready!
  3. King Blunt

    Original West Virginia Strains

    What area are these from? Some of my relatives live in Huntington and some live in Charleston lol, not very diverse.
  4. King Blunt

    Outdoor strawberry haze flowering early?

    That happened with my Blue Mistic. Its just where the number of hours of DIRECT sunlight are'nt enough yet. It will simply go away and revert back to veg. Just give it a lil time. Mines started to go back to veg already. It won't really affect your plant in a negative way.
  5. King Blunt

    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    Girls are lookin good as always CD. Nice job. BTW not to be nosey or anything, but next fall I'll probly be able to grow inside again and was wondering how much (excluding bulbs and fans) does a setup like yours cost? And what kind of electric bill will I be looking at? Thanks and keep it up bro
  6. King Blunt

    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    What were your freebies dude? And I thought bout orderin from them, they got some Autos that the tude dont got lol
  7. King Blunt

    So called "classified" document shows detailed government activities.. wow.

    I got relatives in WV and know for a fact that there is a "mini-city" under the Greenbrier Hotel. My Aunts got a friend who works there, it used to be an escape for the President incase of a major terrorist attack. But thats all I can say I do know bout any of that lol
  8. King Blunt

    Original West Virginia Strains

    I've got relatives that live in WV, and am gonna be there for a lil while over summer. Does anyone know of any strains that are from WV or something? I've heard that 7 aka Headbang NOT Headbanger, was from WV but I wasnt sure. Any advice would surely be helpful. Trying to get my hands on dif...
  9. King Blunt

    Basic breeding question

    Hell, I'd do it. The only thing to fret about is the tendency for the offspring to herm. With a VERY stable parent and another fem parent, I think youd be ok. But Racer has totally got that spot on. Its your call TC, IMO I would. Peace and bonghits
  10. King Blunt

    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    CD, your girls look great, and not to mention big for their age. Goodjob, I gotta try me some of these autos. Yours look great (but I forgot you can grow the shit outta anything lol). Whered u get the seeds? Respect man
  11. King Blunt

    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    Sorry I aint been around CD, I've been busy with...... life lol. But I really like what your doin with these autos. I'm gonna try an get some for my LATE outdoor season. Cant wait for that smoke report :) Anyways, looking good bro. Stay medicated King Blunt
  12. King Blunt

    Misty Cont. & Others...

    I hope she continues to bud :) When I did transplant Misty she was root bound, but I think they might be growing now. Anyways hers some pics. the first is of Misty's top which is budding? It's leaves are covered with trichs :) the next is after I tied her down, again lol. the last one is before...
  13. King Blunt

    Blue Mystic Outdoor Grow

    Checkout my threads bro, I've got a 5 month old Nirvana Blue Mystic. she was an inside plant but recently moved outside. You should check it. Btw yours dont look too bad for your first grow. Rep
  14. King Blunt

    Misty Cont. & Others...

    Thanks for the replies and sticking around, especially since the indoor/outdoor change. Well the first baby is doin pretty good, shes lanky but thats to be expected having started outside. The other two died :(, but no worries I started two more in their place. And as for Misty, I've been...
  15. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    hey everyone....i decided to start a new thread for Misty and the babies since im now doing outdoor can follow me in the outdoor growing forum :) here's the link: :)
  16. King Blunt

    Misty Cont. & Others...

    hey riu! i decided to go ahead and start a new thread for Misty since she is now an outside grow and for the babies...hope you guys can continue to help out... :) here's the first baby.. ^ here's the second baby..not looking so good :( here's an update on Misty...this is after i supercropped...
  17. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    here's an update on Misty...I think she's looking pretty happy :) here's one of the babies :) i kinda bent the stem a here's the other baby :)
  18. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Idk homer,after I put her out I quit keeping count lol. I think she might b reveging. If so can I pick those buds or something? And btw when I get a chance I'm changing forums if y'all wanna stay around. Thanks you guys
  19. King Blunt

    What Do You Guys Think?

    that's a new bud, why is she still flowering?? top bud, don't know why she's still flowering...?