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  1. King Blunt

    Co-op Grow

    Checked today on the girls and we got two-three more regos that will be put in the party cups and sent to flower. The last Blue Mystic should pop tonight or tomorrow. I'll update pics maybe thursday. Peace
  2. King Blunt

    Co-op Grow

    State- N/A lol and as far as I'm concerned I am a caregiver haha. And its not that bad, you just have to discuss what the best for harvest. Yield, taste, time its all got to be discussed
  3. King Blunt

    Check out our thread in the CFL subforum. Name is Co-op Grow. Keep reading and learning bro

    Check out our thread in the CFL subforum. Name is Co-op Grow. Keep reading and learning bro
  4. King Blunt

    Co-op Grow

    Dumbass knocked it off a shelf >:( anyways thanks for subbing man. I will be posting sooner than I was lol. Yea a co-op grow is good becuse you can split the cost and someone is always there to monitor them. BTW I like your name. Turtles happen to be my favorite animal lol, even have one for a...
  5. King Blunt

    Co-op Grow

    The Mom Baby (rough start) (other baby) Sorry I havn't posted in awhile guys, shit been rough here. Well I do bring good news this time. I currently have two Blue Mystics that will be moms, the third should pop any da now. Those two are the babies...
  6. King Blunt

    First Really Real Deal Grow

    your bitches look good bro. keep it up
  7. King Blunt

    Let the Adventure Begin!! (pictures included)

    It happens tho. Shit happens. Updates would be great but maybe there is an important issue happening. (patiently waiting)
  8. King Blunt

    Blue Mystic x5 / feminised / first attempt with this strain from Nirvana.....

    I got 1 BM outside right now. Bitch takes so long to flower. Plus its a sensitive plant, and I stunted it :( Yours look great dude keep it up. I got 1 BM sprout right now. Gonna germ my last 2 tomorrow. Gonna make me some mommies :)
  9. King Blunt

    Misty Cont. & Others...

    Its been awhile guys. Sorry been alot of shit. Bad fuckin news. That big plant that I showed you is dead. Some dumbass knocked it over and completely annihalated the stem. Hes gone now but its awful. I'm pissed. Anyways, Misty is for sure budding and all but they are still pretty small. Do you...
  10. King Blunt

    Co-op Grow

    Bad News! Some fucker decided it would be funny to knock my veg shelf over and kill my big plant. Yeah it was so hilarious, he got his ass booted outta the house. Came close to assualt. Its alright tho. We are germin more bagseed and building a box either this weekend or monday/tuesday. Gonna...
  11. King Blunt

    Co-op Grow

    Whatup Rollitup! Been awhile since I had a thread here in the Cfl forum. Stoked to be back. This time I'm going all out. Me and my buddy Dro32 is doin a Clone and 12/12 grow. We are gonna run 2 Blue Mystic moms to cut clones from. They havn't been germned yet becuase we currently don't have the...
  12. King Blunt

    Misty Cont. & Others...

    As you guys probably can tell, I got a new cabinet up an runnin :D That is gonna be a 12/12 from seed party cup grow. goin for semi-perpetual to maybe full perpetual. That other plant is a collaboration of me and two friends. Gonna split the profit (sad we cant smoke ALL of it hahaha). But we...
  13. King Blunt

    Start reading through some threads bro. Learn alot on here. This site is the best at teaching ya...

    Start reading through some threads bro. Learn alot on here. This site is the best at teaching ya how to grow some quality green. Use it wisely hahaha
  14. King Blunt

    Idk if I'm the guy to help you out. What area of WV are you from?

    Idk if I'm the guy to help you out. What area of WV are you from?
  15. King Blunt

    Misty Cont. & Others...

    Yeah I take em after I water. I'm not too worried about it now. Tonight my bro is crackin two more blue mystic beans. Gonna be some moms :))
  16. King Blunt

    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    WARNING!!!! The DEA has recently been scoping out people who are buying grand wardrobe boxes from U-Hual. Apparently people can grow massive-ass MJ plants in them. Can you guys believe that? ;) Kickass bud bro. Your grows make me wanna strive harder at growing haha
  17. King Blunt

    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    CD this is insane!!! Cant believe they are this old lol, some monster sized buds tho :)