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  1. G

    96 watt fluro grow

    just using random lights wont due u much good, it should be 6500K or 6400K for vegg the more light the better, if its small light u can only sustain a small plant, and small yield id say if your already buying cfls save up the extra money and invest in a simular fixture as mine for vegg and id...
  2. G

    Should I give nutes daily?

    your plants look nice whats your setup wat kind of soil r u using i water my plants like 1 every 3 days but completely flood till water is coming out drainage holes
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    96 watt fluro grow

    more power to you Hank some people mite disagree but i think that having 12-16,000 lumens of fluro light close up to your plants works rele well as long as you can position lighting from all angles for more light penetration, but for flowering nothing beats a good hps
  4. G

    noob lighting question

    380ma is how much amperage the bulb consumes ampsXvolts = watts you need the color temp in K or kelvin 3000, 3500, 6500 etc
  5. G

    96 watt fluro grow

    @ RJISDABOSS it will grow but its not the bust ammount of light, check the lumen output of your light and the color temp in kelvin 6500 kelvin is best for vegg and i think 13 watt cfl gives 680 lumens or something like that my fixture has 8000 lumens total with 2 6500k and 2 3000k bulbs total 96...
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    96 watt fluro grow

    thanks Cannabox, i like the light, its brite, quiet and not 2 much power used :) also forgot to mention iv got them on 18/6 light schedual, i had them on 24/0 before i got this light but id like to hear more input on this, iv searched and asked but didnt get much of a response :S
  7. G

    18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

    nobody has any input iv done my own searches arround and i havent rele found and actual properly done unbaised tests on this matter all iv found is that 24/0 makes plants more compact and smaller as for 18/6 lets the grow bigger but arent as compact, there where no real comparasins as to the...
  8. G

    96 watt fluro grow

    hello im 11 days into my grow (i think), lol im using a sun system 96 watt fluorescent fixture, 2 X 6500K and 2 X 3000K 24 watt t5 each im using GH flora nova grow, 3 day sitting brita filtered water @ ph 6.5 i started using rockwool cubes at first trying a small flood and drain system but...
  9. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    i watered 2 days after transplanting into bigger pots cuz soil was fairly dry, then 2 days later cuz i got nutrients and i think my plants rele needed them but now im going to wait probly 3 days b4 next water becuz last time 2 days later it was still moist. also shoulde i keep putting ph 6.5...
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    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    anything, anyone improvements, recomendations
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    18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

    have you fond the same results with different strains? would you know what causes that growth spike after switching from 24/0 to 18/6 of is that completely random? and if the schedule keeps being changed is that bad for the plants??
  12. G

    18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

    the reason why im saying this is cuz people are saying the 24 hour light will make the plant grow continuously but slower cuz less root development 18/6 is less time developing but begger roots, maybe more branching bigger yield?? but what i noticed was thet when people switched from 24/0 to...
  13. G

    18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

    it seems more people where saying that the plants grew more after changing from 24/0 to 18/6, what would happen if you where to keep changing back and forth say every week untill you switch to 12/12 for flower
  14. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    i was told ph is extremely important for nutrient absorption here are pics of my 2 plants, they are looking ok but it seems i have 2 little yellow dots on one of my leaves on my 1st plant (was there b4 i started nutes) as i mentioned b4 i have started nutes, have done 1 watering only @ 1/3...
  15. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    i know i should get some perlite but im on a bit of a budget now so i put a bunch of small expanded clay pellets in with the soil. they are 10 days now. there are no rocks at the bottom, just the hydroton pellets i mentioned, and yes, there are drainage holes in the bottom btw the feed solution...
  16. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    hey guys, heres an update, got them under a new 96watt t5 HO fixture with 2 6500k and 2 3000k bulbs, also got myself some flora nova grow nutes (using @ 1/3 strength) couldnt choose between 1/2 and 1/4, lol ill have some pics up l8r today whats your recomendation on lighting, how long should i...
  17. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    thanks for the advice my plants are looking better as time goes on i wanted to know now that im at 22 hours light on 2 hours dark should i continue rite to 24hrs light??
  18. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    im guessing my plants where nute defficient and that they got some transplant shock but things seem to be a bit better, im uploading 2 pics of each of my 2 plants, it looks like the color is clearing up and that new, healthy leafs are coming up. i still havent purchased any nutrients and i wanna...
  19. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    here are the pics, i managed to get a real closeup in supermacro so you can see details, my concern is the faint yellowing and the reddish brown discoloration on the tips of the leafs, as well she doesnt seem to be growing
  20. G

    browning leaf tips on seedlings

    im heading out to get 2 26 watt 6500K cfl's this afternoon and im also going to be looking at fertilizers, what kind of fert should i get, what n-p-k am i looking for, i also saw some bonemeal 12-0-0 and bone/blood meal 7-7-0 and i hear a few people saying they where adding that to the soil i...