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  1. H

    any one in the north east flowering??

    2 out of 9 plants just beginning to show sex, seem to be female! hoping for more! also in new england, im glad to hear others at are about the same stage.
  2. H

    Most bud possible from Lowryder 2!!

    ya i didn't really think topping would do much but i was just checking around with some lr2 vets to see. Ya i will have them inside for the beginning of their growth, and then maybe bring them in at night for some more light sometimes. ill keep ya posted tho on my results, hopefully female to...
  3. H

    Most bud possible from Lowryder 2!!

    i have pics of the caramelicious and bag seed from last week i could put up tomorrow probably if you want too see, the lowryders i just planted tho so there isn't anything to see. and 5 to 14 outdoor? do you think perhaps that is because you only have them in one gallon pots? i was going to...
  4. H

    Most bud possible from Lowryder 2!!

    Just planted 10 lowryder 2 seeds indoor under a hps, will be moved outdoor after they begin growth. When they begin to grow what is the best way to get the most amount of bud per plant, should i top? should i just let them grow? I will be feeding them jamaican bat guano in a few weeks when they...
  5. H


    Do you have any close ups of the finished buds? I am growing caramelicious right now and im curious too see how yours looked since you are the only person on here that seems to have a finished grow with this strain
  6. H farm nutes..both??

    yes that is the same bat guano i have jahman! i have been feeding my plants alaskan fish fertilizer throughout vegging, i havent fed them in about 12 days tho because it keeps raining out, and the soil hasnt really gotten dry enough for me to have to water them, is this a problem? or since it is...
  7. H farm nutes..both??

    ok thanks for your thoughts!! seeing as this is my first grow i might just stick with the guano, then next grow try the fox farm nutes and make the comparison.
  8. H farm nutes..both??

    Im going to be using jamaican bat guano once my plants begin flowering, is this enough nutrients to grow fat buds, or should i look into getting some fox farm nutrients such as big bloom? my plants are in fox farm ocean forest if this is of any help.
  9. H

    Can I go from vegging my plants indoor under hps, to flowering them outdoor???

    Well Massachusetts weather wise is extremely varying. Today its 79 degrees with 57% humidity. Has anybody had success with growing outdoor in New England? Also when will they begin flowering if i place them outdoor, they have been vegging indoor on the 18/6 schedule.
  10. H

    Can I go from vegging my plants indoor under hps, to flowering them outdoor???

    My plants are 3 and a half weeks old right now and they are looking awsome, but im not allowed to keep them at my house anymore because its on the market and the realtor will be around often. My question is, is it too late to transfer the plants outside for the remainder of the summer for...
  11. H

    Two weeks into first grow, doing well! thoughts and comments!

    14 days into my first grow operation, its going pretty smooth so far, a little bit behind in size due to the small pots i started them in, but have seen rapid increase in growth since i transplanted them all to two gallon pots. what do you think of the set up? here are some photos, im running a...