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  1. L

    Watering question

    How much water should i give my seedling? its about 7in tall
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    Big CFL's

    it is a 26w
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    Big CFL's

    pretty sure it said 2700 lumens. y whats 2700k?
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    Big CFL's

    there is 2 plants and i think it puts off like 2700 lumens
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    Did i interrupt the dark period?

    I have 2 plants under a desk on a shelf. When its in the 12 hours of dark the lights go off but the room light may come on at times is that ok? its still very dark under the desk but you can still see the plant but is is hard to see.
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    Big CFL's

    its on a shelf under a desk. Heat wont be a problem but the CFL is about 8in away is that ok? its one of the bigger wattage ones.
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    Did i interrupt the dark period?

    I have 2 plants under my desk on a shelf but when its in the 12 hrs of darkness the lights are turned off but the room light may be on some times but under the desk is still very dark but not completely dark. I can still slightly see the plant but it is pretty hard to see it. Will this interrupt...
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    Big CFL's

    How close should the higher watt CFL's be to the plant?
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    How much will i yield?

    If i have 2 plants under a flouro and a couple of cfl's goin 12/12 from seed approximately how much will i yield? thanks
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    How much light?

    which cfl's? watts? And isnt 10 a lil extreme since they are 12/12 and wont get to big?
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    How much light?

    I have 2 plants on a shelf under my desk and am worried if they have enough light or not. They have been at 12/12 since the beginning. The shelf is about 2ft high and 2ft wide how much light would yall suggest? I want to use cfl's cause i dont want to spend to much money but also have a 1ft...
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    When to use fertilizer?

    Im growing 2 plants indoors at 12/12 from start and need to know when to start watering with the fertilizer. thanks
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    Shwag vs. Dro

    So are the leaves good for anything? do they have any THC? i heard that you could make brownies with the grinded leaves is that true? are they good for anything else?
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    Shwag vs. Dro

    OK is shwag a harvest gone wrong or is it just the leaves of the plant?
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    Outdoor Flowering

    If you go straight to 12/12 from seed when will it start to flower? How can you tell when day 1 flowering starts?
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    Outdoor help!!!

    When will flowering start if i started at 12/12 from seed?
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    Outdoor help!!!

    so when will flowering start from 12/12 from seed?
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    Outdoor help!!!

    Its a seed. It sprouted 24 hours ago and is around 3/4inch.. lol. Not sure of sex yet.
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    Outdoor help!!!

    O ok well do you have any idea when it starts to flower from 12/12? and/or how much on average it will yield?
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    Outdoor help!!!

    Well its acually 11 light 13 dark is that gunna make a big difference?