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  1. L

    Nutrient Info needed.

    Hey, i was wondering when i should start to use nutrients on my plants if they are growing outside and are a week old? yes i know its late but still wanted to grow a lil and learn a bit for spring. Also when does it start to flower and what kind of yield am i lookin at for 8 plants(not sure if...
  2. L

    Late Grow

    Hello, i started me first grow exactly a week ago and there are 8 plants that are about 2in. Its an outdoor grow and yes i know im way late but figured i could learn a few things before spring. I was wondering since its goin to grow directly from 12/12 outside if there was any chance i could get...
  3. L

    a few questions please help.

    8 seedlings sprouted today outdoors. I was wondering since they are goin to go straight to flowering how big they will get? I live in Houston texas so it shouldnt be getting to cold except mabe those random cold fronts. O and when do you know the flowering stage is starting? i Know its not gunna...
  4. L

    CFL lights

    Im plannin on starting an indoor grow in my closet. Im gunna have between 2-4 pots and need to know how many CFL lights im gunna need and how close they need to be to the pot. Also any soil recommendations would be nice. thanks for the help
  5. L

    What lights to use

    gunna be using a closet with 2-4 plants
  6. L

    What lights to use

    hello, im plannin to start a indoor plant very soon but need some advice in what lights i should get? watts? Also what soil do yall recommend? Thanks for the help
  7. L


    o ok well what if you planted the seeds yesterday? will it even sprout? and if it does will it grow at all to yield anything?
  8. L

    Possible to plant now?

    ok thanks. When is the earliest you can start to grow?
  9. L

    seed question

    I got a couple trainwreck seeds so does that mean that it will 100% produce trainwreck bud? thanks for the help
  10. L

    Possible to plant now?

    yeah your right. i just kinda wanted to start a lil grow to learn a few things before next season started up. thanks
  11. L


    im in houston texas
  12. L


    Need to know if its possible to start a grow outdoors right now? I planted them yesterday but in Scotts Potting Soil is that ok? it said that it feeds the plant for the first 4 months...? Tahnks for any opinions
  13. L

    Possible to plant now?

    Hello, im new to planting and planted 10 germinated seeds in 10 pots outdoors and was wondering if its even possible to grow outdoor during this time? I live in Houston Texas so it never really gets to cold. And if it is possible around how long does the veg stage take and flowering stage...
  14. L

    Need Help!

    Hello, I started my first grow today after germinated 9 seeds for about 3-4 days. I am plating OUTDOORS and live in houston texas and was wondering if its possible to start a grow right now? Also how long is the veg growth stage and whn does it start? Also when does the flowering stage start and...
  15. L

    Need Help!

    Hello, i started my first grow today after i germinated 9 seeds for about 3-4days. I am planting outdoors and live in Houston, Texas and was wondering if i could even start a grow right now? Also around how long from germination to a harvest take? What kind of yields am i lookin at? And is it ok...
  16. L


    i live in houston texas
  17. L


    Is it ok to start growing outdoors right now? and also i think i waited mabe a lil to long for germination and they are much longer than 1/4inch and a few have completly cracked open from the shell and isnt even intak anymore and was wondering if i could still plant that...
  18. L


    Ok i just have a few questions...for how long should i germinate a seed before i acually plant it? And is ok to use soil that already has fertilizer in it? Also how long till i can tell its a female or male? About how often do you water it and how much?
  19. L

    First time grower

    Kinda looking for a step by step timeline to start my first grow so if anyone could help i would appreciate it. Thanks:leaf: