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  1. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    ...and us atheists can meditate...but love the sentiment
  2. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    you lot are easily tolerated because some on here are genuinely interesting. I wondered why it is you don't get bored, it's the same repeated behaviour
  3. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    sock puppets meltdown racist white supremacist your mum's a... fellas, if you can't debate may i suggest you stay off forums where people share opinions. Opinions that may differ from yours. Same old insults all the time. Don't you get bored?
  4. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

  5. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    When did i defend him or his veiws? Insults are words, words are hot air. Anyone reading this can see who, if either of us are, is the dumb one
  6. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    my mum :)
  7. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    Incorrect, she's a retired lawyer. I'm not dumb or racist and I'm not ignoring his opinions. He's entitled to those opinions...only by engaging people in debate will you challenge their point of view. Not listening to someone and then hurling insults is going to ensure they speak only to like...
  8. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3? lives matter? I've not been following (closely) that whole movement and it's actions so can't comment.
  9. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    I don't judge a man on his ability to grow weed. You calling someone a white supremacist is choose to behave that way with such regularity that it has no impact
  10. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    yup, you've sussed him
  11. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

  12. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    Choose to Ignore the point if you like. You simply can't chastise people for discrimination and yet be discriminatory without being a hypocrite. I never mentioned the plights of groups being similar....that's you doing what you do.
  13. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    Interesting you are so against racism etc and yet you talk disparagingly about gas station workers and people using food stamps. Discrimination is discrimination
  14. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    Incorrect! I started with mentioned Africa
  15. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    I'll have to research IWW. cheers
  16. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    indeed it is. I knew nothing about growing until i came in here
  17. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    Ok. I get your point. Now, i don't claim racism doesn't exist. Of course it does. My question to you... could those people have done what they did WITHOUT the consent of their overlords?
  18. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    thank you for taking the time to enlighten me
  19. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    Past tense I spoke in the present tense. let's try and focus
  20. Rizlared

    Why do Americans want a WW3?

    So, in your attempt to back up your stance rather than consider mine you've just absolved King Leopold 2 of genocide nice work