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  1. TheSauce

    First Grow noobie

    For sure dude, while I'm relatively new to growing, it's not my first rodeo - and I consider myself to have a decent green thumb. At least a green finger ;) But yeah, you're growing in coco and perlite, so you really honestly don't have to worry about overwatering them at this point. So long...
  2. TheSauce

    Smell Question.

    Best advice in this thread. Buck up now and just get a carbon filter - it'll save you many headaches in the long run. Peace of mind for a hundred bucks? Yes please.
  3. TheSauce

    First Grow noobie

    As a first time grower, you should do whatever you can to get them as big and healthy as possible... why do you even want them to start flowering or even showing sex yet? They're still babies... and while they should be bigger at a month, I'm absolutely sure that 12/12 from seed isn't helping...
  4. TheSauce

    600w Multi-Strain Medical Coco Grow

    I'm normally relatively hands off with my plants - I mean, I feed them daily, fuck with them, check them out... but every couple weeks at this point I have what I consider an "action day", in which I actually have to like, DO shit. Transplant, clone, switch lights - whatever. Today was an...
  5. TheSauce

    First Run,let's get any mistakes out of the way.

    Thanks for the pics man, I appreciate it. I'm definitely gonna be keeping an eye on this grow of yours :) My Blue OG far and away grew the fastest and tallest of my ladies, and happened to be the fastest clone to root. I've been excited about G13's genetics and this pretty much sold them for...
  6. TheSauce

    First Run,let's get any mistakes out of the way.

    They look good dude. I'm growing a Blue OG myself and have been relatively pleased with the results. Do ya have them labeled? I'd love to see if this grows similarly to mine, and I also have a blueberry gum seed I've been thinking about germing. Anywho, you're off to a good start. Keep it up.
  7. TheSauce

    600w Multi-Strain Medical Coco Grow

    Sonic Fly Blue OG More Sonic Fly Critical + - It actually started to smell fruity today? Sup with that.
  8. TheSauce

    600w Multi-Strain Medical Coco Grow

    Sonic Fly "2" Random Frost Sonic Fly buds Blue OG buds
  9. TheSauce

    600w Multi-Strain Medical Coco Grow

    Day 35 Flower! Critical +: Sonic Fly "4": Sonic Fly "2": Blue OG:
  10. TheSauce

    600w Multi-Strain Medical Coco Grow

    Quick Pic Update - Day 34 Sonic Fly Random Hairy & Juicy Buds "Clones" (At this point I think I'm gonna go ahead and call them plants) Keep smoking good.:joint:
  11. TheSauce

    600w Multi-Strain Medical Coco Grow

    Feels like I'm talking to myself here but no worries, hopefully this helps someone out, somewhere in time! Today is day 32 of 12/12. Started to have a few issues with nutes, dunno if it was lockout, etc, figured I'd err on the safe side and give a nice deep flush. Everything seems to be...
  12. TheSauce

    600w Multi-Strain Medical Coco Grow

    Fast Pic Update :) Today is Day 26 of 12/12. 3/21: - slight nute def on one. trying to work on it. 3/27: Day 19 3/30: 3/31: 4/1: clones are looking nice :) 4/3: individual plant is dinafem critical +
  13. TheSauce

    600w Multi-Strain Medical Coco Grow

    First week of 12/12, figured I'd just give a quick update. Blue OG is the tallest, bushiest of the bunch, and has been a strong grower since it's very first day after breaking ground. She smells the best too - like hops and citrus. Can't wait to see how her buds smell. Critical + is second...
  14. TheSauce

    Should I pull this plant?

    Thanks for the advice everyone. After today I'm 99% sure it's a herm/male, so to the compost heap with it. As much as I hate pulling a plant, I'm not about to let it ruin my other ladies.
  15. TheSauce

    Should I pull this plant?

    Good points all around. Probably best just to ditch it and grow the other ladies out to their full potential. Just wanted to make sure that it was appropriate protocol :D
  16. TheSauce

    Should I pull this plant?

    I'm growing a few assorted plants under a 600w light, and since germination, I've had issues with one plant in particular. Full disclosure: I'm a novice grower, first time coco grower, but I have a nice grasp at what needs to be in check for a successful plant. That said, since the beginning I...
  17. TheSauce

    600w Multi-Strain Medical Coco Grow

    2/22: repotted - feminized seeds in 3.5 gallons, regular in 2 gallon smart pots to save on nutes/water. 2/27: noticed a slight cal/mg problem with one of the sonic flies and crit +. Supplemented with calmag+, worked like a charm. 2ml/g. Buddha Tahoe looks like shit still...
  18. TheSauce

    600w Multi-Strain Medical Coco Grow

    2/14: 2/17: 2/18: 2/20: - (after heavy water) So far so good - got the claw a couple days ago from being a little overzealous with the nutes. Flushed and now looking better, as of 2/20 they're exactly 4 weeks from being planted in the coco. Plan on transferring to 2 gallon smartpots...
  19. TheSauce

    600w Multi-Strain Medical Coco Grow

    Progress: Close Ups: Sonic Fly's are looking beautiful and strong. Critical + is outgrowing Big Buddha Tahoe despite being germed days later. Blue OG is still looking like an ox. bongsmilie
  20. TheSauce

    600w Multi-Strain Medical Coco Grow

    Last few pics are from the past week or so - took these today after a transplant.:blsmoke: Action shot: Post transplant: Closeup: