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  1. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I notice that none of them are actually addressing the message still. Just the messenger Weak
  2. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Fair point
  3. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Whatever the outcome of the election, some of you are going to get exactly what your ignorance deserves :)
  4. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I'm so glad that you lot aren't typical of all Americans
  5. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

  6. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Ok Lou, uninterested now in anything you have to say. There's never been any substance to it. Now that's three of you unworthy of responding to. Fogdog occasionally says something of interest
  7. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    And with the spin of a politician he chats more shit. I've only ever responded to your posts...hence...if anyone is obsessed it isn't I
  8. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I went easy on you Lou as, last time we spoke, you asked me to forgive you for being an old drunk fool. Are you always an old drunk fool?
  9. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Ahhh, we've met before. You also say nothing of value but troll. As before, I won't be replying to you or your bile
  10. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Then we will agree to disagree. If I dont agree with a candidate, I am not consenting to their actions. Not voting isn't something to take lightly and IS having a voice.
  11. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

  12. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Now I'm not fat but...who fucking cares if I am? So racism is bad, mysoginy is bad, xenophobia is bad but it's perfectly ok to take the piss out of the sections of society that suits eh. Fucking hypocrite
  13. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Conspiracy nut dullard eh....I am more informed than you and yet you hold an opinion and dismiss that of others. You act more like trump than you realise
  14. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Lou, don't be a fucking prick. Disagree with me, fine, insult me if you must but show me one, fucking one single thing I've said to back up your claim that I accept racist and xenophobic ideals.
  15. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    well, based on observations of his behaviour in here, I can't find fault with a single word you've just said
  16. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Just a quick thought... HC supporters are forever accusing Trump supporters are full of hate (I.e to Muslims, Mexicans, women) What the fuck is anyone going to think of HC supporters based upon these forums lol
  17. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    lol...shower, then return
  18. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    You have added NOTHING of substance, at all. Not once
  19. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    and if you have to 'guess' why bother saying anything?
  20. Rizlared

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Massive sweeping statements and generalisations there. You speak as though all those who don't believe the establishment all say the same things and speak with one voice. This is not the case. Personally, I stick to facts, if it isn't a fact I don't use it. Fact, the pancake theory CAN NOT...