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  1. J

    Root Bound?

    First time grower. I have 2 outdoor plants in 5 gallon buckets. They're as big as they'll get in the buckets but I have what 2+ months before flowering? Will this have serious negative effects? They're in the buckets so i can move them to direct sunlight throughout the day. Should I try to cut...
  2. J

    Spiders bad for my plants?

    My outdoor babies have a couple spiders among them. Still in veg. The little grasshoppers eat at the leaves. Spiders eat little bugs. "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Are the spiders any harm to my crop? How about during flower should I move them before that?
  3. J

    Is this Nute burn or something else?

    I double checked just to be sure. I don't see any black specks under the leaves. Wouldn't spider mites also effect the other plants? The buckets are almost touching most of the time. Also even outdoors I haven't notices any web strings on or near my plants. Isn't that a common sign of spider mites?
  4. J

    Is this Nute burn or something else?

    Okay I've been using MG since I determined they were big enough it wouldn't kill them. Once a week only and provided it doesn't rain a couple days before. It rained a bunch last week so I waited. 2 hot dry days came through, soil felt dry, so MG went in. This plant is the only one suffering like...
  5. J

    How's my first grow looking?

    Someone delete this thread I didn't realise the last one went through
  6. J

    How's my first grow looking?

    First timer grower with a small outdoor garden. The plants shown here were planted late march early april. Around daylight savings time. Any time you see my hand I'm trying to show damage to the leaves. Most of it I think is caterpillars and birds. But recently white holes have been appearing I...
  7. J

    How's my first grow going?

    First time grower. Outdoors in the Fl panhandle. If you see the mold on the surface we had a few days straight of rain. I try to put them under a tarp for rain but afraid of making them think it's dark. Tarp doesn't block all light but a good bit. Also my neighbor has a streetlight in his...
  8. J

    Is this spider mites or something else?

    It looks like holes in the leaves but you see the "vein" still intact with only a thin layer of leaf matter. Almost as if something is sucking the life from the leaf not just eating it. I've noticed holes in other leaves but it was always fresh green edges. I chalked those up to birds and...
  9. J

    Is my plant way too small for being 2 weeks old?

    I would think the 4 hrs light explains why it's smaller. More direct light equals more growth. However I wouldn't consider this plant "way to small". Maybe a smaller plant it's whole live. Also you started a little late in the season in my opinion. I wouldn't expect a big yield from this plant...
  10. J

    Shrooms growing in my pots

    Not an expert but I would think maybe to much water? Shrooms like dank moist areas. I was getting shrooms and other small grass in my outdoor grow. Cut back the water and for the most part it stopped.
  11. J

    Recovering from overwatering???

    Okay I have a couple of outdoor babies about 2 months old. A storm came through the other day, I noticed the leaves drooping but I assumed the rain put extra stress on them and in a couple days they'd perk back up. I continued to water as usual as I didn't know overwatering can cause this...