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  1. V

    Question about transplaning clones and soil, please help...

    Thanks for the help, i appreciate the detailed replies that helped alot.
  2. V

    Help! Yellow spots are bigger! (Pics inside)

    Here are some closer pictures. Please help!
  3. V

    Question about transplaning clones and soil, please help...

    The reason I was asking if Fox Farms ocean forest needed anything added is because I thought I read somewhere that it already had everything. It shouldn't hurt if i add more perlite right and moss right? For some reason I thought it might bring more pests if i introduced dirt near my hydro...
  4. V

    Help! Yellow spots are bigger! (Pics inside)

    I made a thread yesterday about what i thought was heat damage and everyone said my plants looked fine, but today the spots are bigger! I circled the spots in red. Please help, i don't know what's going on except that they've drank almost all the water in the reservoir. I have had to top...
  5. V

    Question about transplaning clones and soil, please help...

    I just got some clones and they are in dirt. I want to chang their pots to something larger, they are currently in small party cups. I also don't know what soil the person used before me.(If it was ph adjusted, sterilized, ect.) I've got just a few questions about transplaning. I want to...
  6. V

    Is this heat damage? (Pics inside)

    Yesterday I saw two tiny yellow spots on just this one plant. It looked like heat damage so i raised the light up 2 inches. (This plant is growing super fast, on average 1-1.5 inches a day.) Now today the spots are a little bigger. Should I raise the the light more? I just want to make sure...
  7. V

    Aphids HELP!!!

    If you are having troubles with aphids here is a quick, cheap and simple solution that I used to clear up my problem with aphids. Buy a spray bottle ($2-4) Buy the lightest dish soap you can. I got Palmolive Pure and Clear Liquid Dishsoap from Kingsoopers/Safeway/Walmart. ($3) And...
  8. V

    Please help! My babies are dying! Please help or all will be dead!

    This is the aftermath, does anyone think the one's in the back will make it? And one of the good ones is growing sideways, will it go back to normal or should I try and give it some support? Thanks for the help everyone!
  9. V

    Please help! My babies are dying! Please help or all will be dead!

    Thank you so much. Should I just keep them in the dark for 48hrs and then put them on a regular light schedule again? I'm also gonna put them on 18/6 when I give them light again, I feel it stresses the plants so much less.
  10. V

    Please help! My babies are dying! Please help or all will be dead!

    What is damping off? I will include a picture shortly. The water in the tray should have never dropped below 66 Even at night my temps don't really go below 66. Should I get a heating mat for them?
  11. V

    Please help! My babies are dying! Please help or all will be dead!

    I'm having a problem with my newly sprouted seeds. Please help me they are DYING! I'm just worried because I planted 5 seeds a few days ago and got them all to sprout in rockwool cubes and placed in a tray with a dome. Shortly after growing an inch and a half the stems of 3 of the new sprouts...
  12. V

    When can you put seedling/clones into a mini dwc?

    Thanks for the help. I'm just worried because I planted 5 seeds a few days ago and got them all to sprout in rockwool cubes and placed in a tray with a dome. Shortly after growing an inch and a half the stems of 3 of the new sprouts started to become weak. Two of them are dead now so I...
  13. V

    When can you put seedling/clones into a mini dwc?

    After the seeds are placed into rockwool cubes that have been adjusted to 5.5 ph. Do you place them into a mini dwc as soon as the root has poked threw the bottom of the cube? Or should you wait longer? Please help I am new and very confused.
  14. V

    Question, how tall a plant will get in flowering?

    The two strains I'm most interested in are White Widow and Sour desil. What would the estimated heights of both those strains be if they were topped and grown to 18 inches and put under a 1000 watt light? Thanks for the help everyone.
  15. V

    Question, how tall a plant will get in flowering?

    I've seen people say they will grow 1.5-2 times what they are before they go into veg for indica, and 2-3 times there highth for sativia is this true? I'm new and don't know much and I would really appreciate the advice.