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  1. 240sxing

    My first good harvest... Time for the final flush?

    And water a chemical well lets see H20 is on the list , but not a synthetic form.
  2. 240sxing

    My first good harvest... Time for the final flush?

    True roots due absorbe whether broking down my micro-orgisims or a synthetic broken down form , I was just stating a plant fed regardless how , should be leach out if not allowed naturally then I agree flushing is needed.
  3. 240sxing

    My first good harvest... Time for the final flush?

    Natural leaching of leaves tells you its okay, if not and I'm not a flusher , but I would probally flush but we all grow differently , but I sure as he'll can tell chemical taste to organic easy.
  4. 240sxing

    My first good harvest... Time for the final flush?

    That thing is foxtailing/bolting and throwing new hairs so you really need to get down to the trichomes. Get you phone in there close enough so it can still focus , good ambient light , no flash and you'll be surprised of how well you can see the trichs.
  5. 240sxing

    Healthy Enough To Flower?

    One thing I noticed is your meter sitting on soil and reading 84 f , get that at canopy level and try to get those temps down and go for it , also how the he'll you got mosquitos in you grow area?
  6. 240sxing

    Pigs murdered a white man in Dallas

    Power makes fools.
  7. 240sxing

    Defeincincy or Burn Help please

    Good looking buds there , you can see the brown tips def overfed a little , but for 30 days , your rocking , good job.
  8. 240sxing

    Watering for Seedlings

    Sounds like your doing everything right , just get a basic idea of the weight before and after and you'll have a good baseline to follow. Shoot for runoff ever other watering and you be golden.
  9. 240sxing

    Help me brainstorm ideas to mount fans to heatsink?

    From the looks you should be able to just thread the screw in between the fins.
  10. 240sxing

    Help me brainstorm ideas to mount fans to heatsink?

    It would be easier if you had a picture of the heatsink. But I've mounted fans on heatsinks with a hot glue gun , zipties and the good old fashion screws.
  11. 240sxing

    What could of done this do my soil bag and why ?

    Looks like exit wounds , also discoloration in the plastic where it was stretched very good question , mice and think would leave the edges more in a chewed up maybe small pieces around.
  12. 240sxing

    How do i fix this?

    Your tips show nutrient burn , but sounds like your over watering which could be the cause , I would lay off slightly on watering as much and get your ph down to 6.4. Regardless plants look good and healthy!
  13. 240sxing

    Is she Starving?

    Could be , my RH lights on are around 40 percent and lights off is around 60^ percent.
  14. 240sxing

    Is she Starving?

    Big key factor to 6 weeks into 12/12!
  15. 240sxing

    Is she Starving?

    Nirvana - Northern lights femanized FFOF , ewc , perlite 400 hps blah blah Day temps high 79-82 night temps 64 - 70 (slightly purpling) Ewc / budswell / molasses feedings This is 4th gen of the plant and seems to degrade more ever time , from seed it was the first plant I've had that stayed...
  16. 240sxing


    Will do , been currently using ffof mix with roughly 20 percent more perlite. Added an inch of perlite at the bottom of this 5g fabric before I transplanted. Yeah we have food grade DE we use on our dogs , does wonders , might incorporate it if the problem persists. Sounds like the ultimate...
  17. 240sxing


  18. 240sxing


    Thanks yeah I read the same thing but I have a household ant problem and hopefully no aphids. Here's a shifty picture of rootball slightly root bound ?
  19. 240sxing

    Seed not cracking.

    Fuck a week , take it to the next level as stated heating pad , paper towel rung out and enclosed container no light. 3-5 days enjoy as you test and fail or not but learn , document and review.
  20. 240sxing


    Molasses is a food for you micro-organism that feed your plant and they thrive, I have seen great results but make sure you have you critter control down don't let ants migrate there.