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  1. Alec420

    Male or female??

    go HARD or go home
  2. Alec420

    changing color leaves

    eeehhhh, not so great hahah anyways... If no one is going to help, looks like you got to put in the work yourself and start reading!! I spend hours and hours of reading to just find one gold nugget of info lol...
  3. Alec420

    Light vs temp

    yeah, just can't afford to run A/C for long periods of time. I changed my supplement lights schedule to turn off at the hottest part of the day and turn back on hours later
  4. Alec420

    changing color leaves

    come up with a better more informative title. Maybe you'll get more eyes on this
  5. Alec420

    Light vs temp

    Is it better to lower your light's wattz for better temps, or to have more wattz and just deal with the heat?
  6. Alec420


  7. Alec420

    How does this plant look to you ?

    Why would you not feed in a soil-less medium for 3 weeks???
  8. Alec420

    Best commercial strains

    whats the difference, just a different phenotype or what
  9. Alec420

    Rusted brown tiger stripes

    woah, its hot in there. Are you doing anything at all to vent out hot air?
  10. Alec420

    Best commercial strains

    The shoreline heard bad things about this grower but here an example of what ShorelineOG suggested
  11. Alec420

    Best commercial strains

    hmmm I'm very interested to see what people will say to your request
  12. Alec420

    Mars hydro 300

    you are confusing me. so you vegged under a T5, and are now flowering under a marshydro 300?
  13. Alec420

    Mars hydro 300

    7 week veg? okay thats why its so big haha
  14. Alec420

    SILICA questions

    Exploded?!?! what?? like burst in flames?
  15. Alec420

    SILICA questions

    wow, what a great deal ! cutting out the middle man, Thanks buddy :bigjoint:
  16. Alec420

    Everything MMA Thread

    Flight or fight ! That persons response was flight. His reptile brain probably took over when he ran Ryan over.
  17. Alec420

    SILICA questions

    interesting... I added some the first time yesterday with Cal-mag for watering my veg plants. Looked at them this morning and noticed a difference already, looking more lush.
  18. Alec420

    SILICA questions

    How long does silica take to start working? How often should someone add silica? Whats the most efficient use of silica, in other words whats minimum dosage to be effective? Is it bad to add silica every watering and feed?
  19. Alec420

    Watch a master in the making!

    Thanks for changing your avatar... the last one was pretty creepy :shock:
  20. Alec420

    Everything MMA Thread

    You guys never know who could win... Everyone Thought Luke Rockhold (who is at his peak) was going to destroy Bisping. NOPE Bisping KO'd Luke first fucking round, I don't think bisping will hold the title for long but still. Anything can happen in MMA