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  1. Royalroacho

    Oxygen tablets for DWC?

    Yeah, I'll manage it, I've seen alot of good results at slightly warmer temps. I built a heat exchanger, but it doesn't seem to work. im going to make a thread when I get home later and see if someone can see what Im doing wrong
  2. Royalroacho

    Oxygen tablets for DWC?

    Yeah, I found a little more info about it, it would Definitely mess things up. I've got some myco/bacteria coming in the mail
  3. Royalroacho

    Oxygen tablets for DWC?

    I'm about to start DWC grow, the lowest I can get my water temp is 73°. would using these aquarium oxygenating tablets cause ph problems? heres a link to the product
  4. Royalroacho

    From 20/4 to 24/0 with my autoflowers

    If you need to do it only for heat humidity reasons, you could make a shade to black the light out during those hours
  5. Royalroacho

    Grow Tent: High Temp, Low Humidity Problem

    I had that problem too. the best answer I could find was that it's caused by overwatering inducing phosphorous/magnesium deficiency, or genetics. I'm pretty sure mine were a little too wet. They're also a purple strain though. Alot of people say its normal they turn out fine as they grow, but I...
  6. Royalroacho

    Seedling light stress

    I just remembered I had a little ring light with a green led on it. I think it's in the bottom of a box in storage, and I'm not going to go looking for it. damn. I just peeked in to check the temp/humidity, it's 72°/ 55% rh. I had to adjust my thermostat to get it there, but looks like it's...
  7. Royalroacho

    Grow Tent: High Temp, Low Humidity Problem

    Yeah, I'm really happy I picked that up, It fixed both my temp and humidity issue. I needed to use it in tandem with a fan controller to balance things out. I don't know where you get supplies, but try to read reviews, some of the controls cause the fans to vibrate on lower settings
  8. Royalroacho

    Grow Tent: High Temp, Low Humidity Problem

    I was just in a similar situation. get an "ultrasonic cool mist vaporizer" humidifier with an adjustable output dial. they're cheap, I got a 1 gallon unit at Walmart for 28 dollars. it was pretty easy to dial in the humidity , and filling it with cold water will bring the temp down
  9. Royalroacho

    Seedling light stress

    I'm starting my second grow, 3× dark devil autos and an auto pounder sprouted yesterday/today. I've been preoccupied and didn't dial in my room for the weather change. Last time I did 4 Nirvana AK48, and 2 became hermies. they showed 1 or 2 male preflowers, so if I caused it, it was a mistake I...
  10. Royalroacho

    Seeds from 2001?

    Wanted to be fair to Attitude and follow up. they replied and told me it's a code to identify items for packaging, not a date
  11. Royalroacho

    Seeds from 2001?

    Yeah , it's an older strain, which made me think the seeds might be old. attitude was founded in 2006, but who knows where the seeds came from...
  12. Royalroacho

    Seeds from 2001?

    Do you have a link? I couldn't find a US Bank that sells dutch passion, Ive wanted to do the Euforia strain for a while. the seeds themselves don't look very good, compared to others, they look small and withered and light colored. I can't test them for a month, no space if they're viable
  13. Royalroacho

    Seeds from 2001?

    Yeah, I'll ask them...but if they're selling 15 year old seeds, I don't really trust them to be honest
  14. Royalroacho

    Seeds from 2001?

    I recently received an order from Attitude. I really hope this is an inventory code and not a date? Sez "2001-04". anybody know?
  15. Royalroacho

    First grow

    I'm going to look into this. Once the ac is repaired heat regulation shouldn't be too much of a problem. 730 cfm through that room is sufficient, correct? I don't wanna have to install more ducting. Had to go through a ceiling panel in the hallway at 2 am hauling planks across the ceiling joists...
  16. Royalroacho

    First grow

    Funny, but I didn't even think about that. Would it be better to get another 600w? I read running 2 of those is more effecient than 1 1000.
  17. Royalroacho

    First grow

    A little big? Long story, but initially this grow was going to be in a tent at my buddies, but he's not really committed or responsible. What's your suggestion? I can pretty much go nuts in there, electricity is .05 Kwh here.
  18. Royalroacho

    First grow

    Hey gents and ladies. I'm 29 days into my first serious grow that isn't bag seeds in my closet under a 25 watt incandescent when I was 13 that wouldn't grow for some reason. Ive read Jorge Cervantes Bible and keep reading it over. I think things are going ok, but I have some problems and...