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  1. cristal_green

    I fucked up my light schedule

    So basically while I was waiting for my gt to come in the mail my plants weren't in a closet or anything just kinda in the open for about 3 to 4 weeks of flowering so I got crazy foxtail's going on because of the fucked light schedule I'm just wondering if they will start to thicken up or go...
  2. cristal_green

    Clearing the air with nutes

    OK I just wanted to make this thread because I'm tired of seeing new growers get wrong info about nutes. feel free to be a troll and hate but this is coming from years of gardening and about 2 years of growing cannabis. All nutrients act the same If your feeding "cannabis nutrients" that are...
  3. cristal_green


    man I thought this was a weed growing forum not a meth forum so much hate lmfao I guess now that its becoming legal in lots of places people aren't sticking together like we should be. where are the positive vibes? and positive feedback every one smoking some bad weed or what haha
  4. cristal_green


    ok wow such negativity haha this isn't my first grow. it showed sex today it is female so every one who said it was male need to rethink how a plant grows haha because all my males showed sex way before my other plants and my other plants are all female for me usually males show sex at week 2...
  5. cristal_green


    seriously hard to tell from the pic how big this plant really is I should've put my hand next to a fan leaf. still pretty impressive for the age of this plant
  6. cristal_green


    I got this random strain don't even know the name my buddy gave me 100+ seeds from china and these plant are amazing my hopfully fem is just coming up on 4 weeks from seed and shes 15 inches tall the stalk is as fat a my thumb and the leaves are bigger than my hand shes been growing 1 inch to 2...
  7. cristal_green

    Can i veg two plants under a single t5?

    Okay perfect thank you!
  8. cristal_green

    Can i veg two plants under a single t5?

    oh and how close should it be away from the plants?
  9. cristal_green

    Can i veg two plants under a single t5?

    so i found a bunch of t5 sunsytem lights but i only found one cord to power one of them up its a single light im just wondering if i could veg two of my plants under it and when they show sex turn on my hps?
  10. cristal_green

    week 5 buds seem tiny

    ok thanks for all the help! i hope i can get her to fatten up a bit
  11. cristal_green

    week 5 buds seem tiny

    she has good trichomes on her the buds are just not growing as fast as i was hoping she smells really good too. i wish i knew what i was doing hahaha.. i should also mention the lower buds are way thicker than the very top buds but still kinda small.
  12. cristal_green

    week 5 buds seem tiny

    Well see i was confused because my last plant was indica and i never fed her anything and she had dense soda can sized buds... maybe because i had cow manure mixed with the soil? :/ im such a noob at this haha i can grow the nicest strongest tomatoes but i cant figure out cannabis FAIL haha
  13. cristal_green

    week 5 buds seem tiny

    Well i wasn't to sure how often to feed because its rose food. why how often should i be feeding her?
  14. cristal_green

    week 5 buds seem tiny

    i mean any yield is a good yield because i just smoked my last nug yesterday haha, i have an ak49 auto growing right now aswell i know it shouldn't be under 12/12 but i don't have anywhere else to put it since hail destroyed my green house. the ak seems to be doing great, happy little seedling i...
  15. cristal_green

    week 5 buds seem tiny

    oh and the place I got the seeds said it a 6-9 week flowering plant which I highly doubt
  16. cristal_green

    week 5 buds seem tiny

    wow alright I left my computer for like 20 minutes now I have a ton of questions to answer. first im growing in miracle grow potting soil,i might have over fed her at one point may be the cause of the yellow leaves, the pot is about maybe 3 gallons, I don't ph my water yet lol I will if I get...
  17. cristal_green

    week 5 buds seem tiny

    this Is only my second time growing a mj plant so im not sure whats going on with her really.. I do plan on getting a bigger light and a grow tent when I get paid but that wont be for another 2-3 weeks or so.
  18. cristal_green

    week 5 buds seem tiny

    the plant has been pretty happy its whole life I started her out in the pot shes in.. and apparently shes indica im not to sure tho she has been under the hps her whole life so maybe that's why she is so lanky? but shes been a pretty happy plant id say, i feed her every two weeks and water when...
  19. cristal_green

    week 5 buds seem tiny

    in the second picture that's a mini lighter...