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  1. cristal_green

    Will this light work?

    Will this light work for flowering?
  2. cristal_green

    True leaves??

    I feel like a dumbass LOL
  3. cristal_green

    True leaves??

    LOL I need to learn how to post pics Sorry about that.
  4. cristal_green

    True leaves??

    I can take some if you want
  5. cristal_green

    True leaves??

    Ok thanks too late now lol but I know for next time, In my mind I was like well these leaves aren't doing jack shit so I removed them maybe hoping after it heals the energy will go to the top of my plant, because I topped it a few days ago and the tops seem to be growing slow idk...
  6. cristal_green

    True leaves??

    SON OF A BITCH WTF! it deleted my damn post ugh. im not doing that all over again. Blah blah I removed true leaves plant is reaching 3 weeks. omg I cant belive it removed it ugh I need to learn how to use this crap
  7. cristal_green

    Yellow spots!? noob

    thanks my plant is only like 2 and half inches tall but has like 4 nodes is it to small to top?
  8. cristal_green

    Yellow spots!? noob

    oh and since I posted this thread the plant has grown a lot it now has 4 nodes I will be putting it to flower at week 4, and nobody is changing my mind on that lol. I only have limited space so I need to keep the plant small.. I only have about 3 feet in height to grow in, I would put to flower...
  9. cristal_green

    Yellow spots!? noob

    How can I transplant with new soil? they are already I the pots that they will be staying in... I could try and remove the soil from the roots but I don't want to damage them..
  10. cristal_green

    Yellow spots!? noob

    So this will probably be the last post on this thread from me, anyway after searching online for hours and hours. because I was still not sure what was causing new growth to turn yellow, I came to the conclusion that I been overwatering, you guys were right about the yellow spots due to the...
  11. cristal_green

    Yellow spots!? noob

    Thank you for all the help every one :) i guess i will see what happens with this plant if it dies ill be kinda upset but not really because i have more seeds plus NL is doing fine
  12. cristal_green

    Yellow spots!? noob

    Oh and one last question that I really couldn't find the answer to.. when I switch to flower I will be using 4 plant and aquarium bulbs those are high on the red spectrum will these flower my plants? about I think they are 40 watts EDIT: I cant belive I forgot to mention that I have another...
  13. cristal_green

    Yellow spots!? noob

    so I googled fox farm soil and there is a bunch of different types now im confused again, does it matter which one I buy? sorry about all these questions its better to learn now then to fail again lol my net grow will probably be outside.. does that make any difference? I will still be using pots...
  14. cristal_green

    Yellow spots!? noob

    So is it possibly due to the water droplets and maybe the nutes? I wasn't sure when to feed it I probably wont be able to get better soil all stores around where I live sold out of that stuff. and I was thinking of buying foxfarm nutes are they good?
  15. cristal_green

    Yellow spots!? noob

    Lights 3 cool white t8s and 1 plant and aquarium bulb 40 watts each and one 2500k CFL I been using normal tap water watering every time its dry nutes miracle gro rose food (very diluted) Soil is cheap $2 wal-mart brand and cow manure. I didn't want to go too crazy seeds were only $2 each the...
  16. cristal_green

    Yellow spots!? noob

    any one?? I don't know how long this usually takes like I said never been on a forum before :/
  17. cristal_green

    Yellow spots!? noob

    trust me there are brown tips its just hard to see due to crappy webcam. the small new leaves that are just popping up also have brown tips :/ so confused
  18. cristal_green

    Yellow spots!? noob

    Hi everyone first time grower first time posting on a forum so sorry if this is in wrong spot.. anyway my 10 day old seedling cyber cristal from k.c. brains is not looking good its growing fine but the leaves have yellow spots and brown tips I have no idea whats going on I thought my soil might...