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  1. W

    White specs on leaves

    Me again... Hate to seem like that noob who's always asking for advice, I've got a handful of grows under my belt and have managed them fine, seem to be having alot of issues with this one. I've had a few issues which I think I've sorted now and the plants are on the road to recovery. Wrong ph...
  2. W

    Advice please

    Ok mate thank you I'll improve ventilation too. I feel like I've probably ruined these autos. They havnt changed in size in 3 or 4 days
  3. W

    Advice please

    Ok I'll make some corrections! Man I'll be so happy if this saves them! Thanks mate appreciate the advice!
  4. W

    Advice please

    Its verve multi purpose compost. Your saying it should be 6.2 to 6.5?
  5. W

    Advice please

    I had a cheap 2 prong thing in the past and diddnt rate it so I spent £30 on this thing I've got, it's a single prong soil survey thing. Soil is verve that you get from b&q. No nutrients yet as I diddnt want to panic add nutes and that not be the problem. Light is just under a meter away from...
  6. W

    Advice please

    Hello all. I recently posted a thread about the leave tips curling at the edges and looking really rigid. Someone advised me that it could be heat stress and to be honest that's what it looks like however I fear it's not that and could be something worse. I just havnt a clue what. It seems even...
  7. W

    Snapped main stem

    Oh wow ok, I was nearly heartbroken earlier, but feel much better about it now . Thanks all
  8. W

    Snapped main stem

    Just a quick one folks. My silver haze is about 4 nodes up. I went to do some lst and ended snapping the top of it clean off, with just about a pube holding it together. Would you tape it back on as I've seen some people do or would you leave it off in the hope that the plant could recover sort...
  9. W

    Leaves crinkled and rigid.

    Thanks for the quick reply. 25'c and 70% humidity. I'll try and raise the light and see what happens :grin:
  10. W

    Leaves crinkled and rigid.

    Evening all. I've had these plants in verve soil with yet to add any nutrients as they are only 2 weeks old. 24hrs of light using a 250w hps. All seem to be doing well apart from this one. It's still early stages but I'm starting to notice sharp/rigid/crinkly edges to the leaves. I was wondering...
  11. W

    What would you do?

    I was waiting for them to recover and grow some more as they are deffinatly not fully grown. But it dosnt seem to be happening.
  12. W

    What would you do?

    Oh and as for seeds. I opened one of them sacks and there was a very minuscule seed in it. So I dont think they are fully forming yet. I just wunna get what 'erb I can out of this and start fresh.
  13. W

    What would you do?

    Exactly what I needed. A straight up answer, cheers folks.
  14. W

    What would you do?

    Right, been having sort of problems for a while now with it being weeks and not noticing any change in these stardawg females. Hairs are brown on the majority. Trichomes cloudy on a select few, however now I am noticing signs of most plants becoming hermies. Am I wasting time and electric on...
  15. W

    Your opinion on these?

    So you think now I should have it back on 18/6?
  16. W

    Your opinion on these?

    I've always run them 18/6 in flower but on previous grows I've noticed switching them to 12/12 seems to help them start budding a bit quicker. Probably has nothing to do with it and I'm being stupid but I did notice a difference on the last grow without a doubt
  17. W

    Your opinion on these?

    Quite far into flowering now. Bud growth seems to have slowed alot and I'm not really noticing much difference in these plants, I thought they would be booming. They are stardawg autos. On 12/12 under a 250 hps, I gave them a light dosing of fox farm about 3 weeks ago. Ever since then just...
  18. W


    Growing it now if your still interested
  19. W

    Buds drying mid flower.

    Ah yes I've got a 250w hps. But couple times I've been in there sometimes the circulating/cooling fan has stopped working (dodgey connection). Perhaps that's why. It's only a select few that seem to be doing this. Not the whole plant. Appreciate everyone's time and help, thanks
  20. W

    Buds drying mid flower.

    Anybody had any experience with buds drying out mid flower?