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  1. W

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    I think they are stretched because of what light I was using previously. At the moment the light is about 4 inches above the top of the plant and I have started putting a fan on them to thicken the stems a bit.
  2. W

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    T5 cost me £ kitting out a room with mylar, fans so the picture looks a bit ruff but it will take shape to follow on that one. I have had my plants under the T5 light for 3 days now and they have suddenly started looking very fresh, strong and a nice colour green (bright...
  3. W

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    just to let everybody know i have bought a t5 light, so hopefuly soon see some quicker progress!
  4. W

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    I got home from work and first thing I checked was the greenhouse and it was steaming hot in there. I noticed one plant was bent over slightly (he's straightened back up now and I'm happy with it) however this one, the leaves have closed right up...i immediately took the plants out and gave them...
  5. W

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    and yes the greenhouse heat slightly deformed my pots hahaha!
  6. W

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    Not alot is really going on at the moment...thinking of maybe moving to a bigger pot soon and using more soil around the stem a little bit to help support it Just checking in, will probably not post for a while after this unless there is any major changes..The stems seem really long at the...
  7. W

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    What wattage ufo led light would you recommend?
  8. W

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    I pay a small amount towards the bills as it is, just untill im more clued up on growing i dont want to spend loads on lights ect, i dont want to be the typical all the gear and no idea. so this is just a taster, i am loving it so far and im warming to the idea of a small grow room or tent and a...
  9. W

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    thanks guys appreciate the tips....all taken on board and will have a think on what i can make up and get away with, money isn't an issue its mainly just the leccy bill! I will keep you posted on what im doing and how my ladys are getting on! Peace
  10. W

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    Yes this will be my first grow so its a massive learning curve what kind of wattage cfl lights would you reccommend? without going too mad, ive thought about 250's? I live with family at the moment, they know what is going on and are fine with it but i cant imagine them being too keen of the...
  11. W

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    Hi ive just started to grow 2 plants. I live in the UK and on hot, sunny days both plants get put outside in a green house and when the sun isn't out they stay in my bedroom under an 80w lamp light. I am fully aware that theese plants wont have a great yeild or probably wont even bud, but its a...
  12. W


    hi there im a complete novice to growing, but i would just like a basic explanation of what soil to use and what fertilizer, does it have to be a specific one or can i use any plant fertilizer? Can i use any soil as long as i add perlite? do i start off with normal soil and then add fertilizer...