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  1. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    Well i started another thread to ask if anyone else was growing power skunk because i was curious if anyone was flowering yet....apparently someone said their power skunk has been flowering for like 3 weeks....i'm guessing its maybe the difference in seed company or something. these seeds came...
  2. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    I'm hoping when i get done with my azamax treatments the worms wont even be an issue. I'd say they smell pretty skunky for sure.:weed:
  3. volcomrider157

    Anyone growing G-13's Power Skunk?

    yea i dunno man if they arent done by mid october they may not finish here either i dunno. Im in the northern part of the midwest and weather can get pretty cold pretty early sometimes..
  4. volcomrider157

    Anyone growing G-13's Power Skunk?

    damn well that seed co. must have better genetics in the flowering department then....i got mine from the attitude seed bank and its the "g-13 labs" "power skunk" they were free seeds with my purchase they gave me 5 and 4 of them were females:mrgreen: but at the bottom it says **note this is a...
  5. volcomrider157

    Anyone growing G-13's Power Skunk?

    well I hope they finish by mid october.... yes they are sativas. I was just asking if anyone else has these goin right now and what there status was... g-13 is the seed co. power skunk is the strain. I'm just kinda bummin cuz my other strains have been flowering for like a week and a half...
  6. volcomrider157

    Anyone growing G-13's Power Skunk?

    I read that this is a slow flowering plant....are you flowering yet?
  7. volcomrider157

    Illinois Outdoor Pics

    yea that very well could be or it could be just the strain....but they will fill out more during flowering for sure as far as branching out more most likely not...
  8. volcomrider157

    Illinois Outdoor Pics

    maybe because your growing in a corn field and they dont get much wind?
  9. volcomrider157

    Illinois Outdoor Pics

    I'm a little north of you but here is my crop this year.
  10. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    bah its all good. Yea next year I will be ready for them before they get here for sure, but yea location also has a lot to do with what your fighting against sometimes.
  11. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    there are usually more than its been a battle for me but i hope to have it taken care of for good very soon.
  12. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    yea it was scary watering my plants with that stuff for sure, but it has a chart table that shows mix ratios for drench applications and i just mixed up the highest dosage and crossed my fingers, but I really felt as tho if it didnt work most of my crop would fall due to these worms so yea...
  13. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    well I just checked the label and it says it kills "mites" it didn't say termites but I'm willing to bet they fall under that category. I'd say its worth trying, its safe stuff and suppose to be really potent shit. I just sprayed them today then i will drench the roots one more time in another...
  14. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    thats what I'm hoping for, fingers crossed....if everything keeps going well I'm shootin to have around 7 lbs at harvest.
  15. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    lol, i didnt think of that idea, i should have moved my Armageddon males to a different location where there is more wild weed and then just like you said bump up the genetics of the wild weed then just let it take its course....damn it why didnt i think of that!! :sleep: oh well.
  16. volcomrider157

    sevin dust

    /\ /\ /\ right on brother /\ /\ /\
  17. volcomrider157

    outdoor plant camouflage

    it'll have a lot to do with which strains finish out quicker i think....cuz I have some plants that haven't even started flowering yet....lets put it this way...i know they are females but thats about it...
  18. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    you are'nt the first one that has said that, in fact let this be a message to everyone...THINK i might have counted a few seeds already on my white widow cuz there is some swelled up balls on her...i dunno if they will open up for budding or if they are the early stage of a seed formation.... if...
  19. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    Hmm interesting, well i'm pretty sure that those spots were there before the azamax treatment...its no big deal really i was just curious about it.
  20. volcomrider157

    6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..

    any thoughts on those spots tho? anyone?....