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  1. GentlemanCheese

    starting a new grow

    You using Nutes?
  2. GentlemanCheese

    Is cannabis use a sin?

    Yea, through out history a bunch of people has twisted it to say what they want it to, and then they manipulate people that don't want to take the time to read the bible themselves, it's a shame haha. But there are still some good ones out there that actually know what they're talking about.
  3. GentlemanCheese

    Is cannabis use a sin?

    Nah man, it says in the bible that you're suppose to obey the law, but not if it intervenes with what god says, and in the bible god says it's okay in a few different verses. A lot of "Christians" that state that they're Christian, don't know shit about the religion and open their big mouth...
  4. GentlemanCheese

    Is cannabis use a sin?

    "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be... And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31). This verse pretty much states that it isn't a sin to use cannabis, but religious officials...
  5. GentlemanCheese

    12/12 from Seed?

    I was actually thinking about doing this...
  6. GentlemanCheese

    something wrong with my plant?

    Thanks, I could use the bud badly!
  7. GentlemanCheese

    something wrong with my plant?

    Alright thanks for the advice and the strains are Russian rocket fuel for the autoflower and confidential cheese for the regular
  8. GentlemanCheese

    something wrong with my plant?

    Haha alright let me explain this, I bought bud from a medical supplier, $100 worth, I smoked it faster than I earned the money to get the bud haha I've spent way more than that on growing supplies
  9. GentlemanCheese

    something wrong with my plant?

    By supply I meant dank, not growing supplies haha
  10. GentlemanCheese

    something wrong with my plant?

    Yea it's about 2 inches but then again it's only 5 days old, but in comparison to my other plant (same age different strain) it's smaller since my other plant is 4 inches
  11. GentlemanCheese

    something wrong with my plant?

    Yah man, I blew $100 the other day on supply and it was gone faster than it took me to earn the money... Damn haha
  12. GentlemanCheese

    something wrong with my plant?

    So it doesn't look like anythings wrong to you?
  13. GentlemanCheese

    something wrong with my plant?

    Anybody know?
  14. GentlemanCheese

    something wrong with my plant?

    hey is there something wrong looking with this plant? i don't know why but it just doesn't look alright, in comparison to my other plant it's a much lighter but greener green, while my other plants is a nice dark green, this one is also much smaller but i just believe that's because it's an...
  15. GentlemanCheese

    Salt problems?

    I don't have a problem with salts yet but since in only have hard water out here when I water I'm worried about salt build up, if I do get salt build up how to I get rid of it? Is there any precaution I can take to assure that I won't get salt problems? Thanks I just don't want my plants to get hurt
  16. GentlemanCheese

    Low light growing?

    I'm pretty sure that'll greatly effect your yield if not kill your plants (which it probably will) especially since most people use 16 or 18 hours of light for their plants during veg and 12 during flowering. It's not healthy for your babies and if you really love your plants you can't do that...
  17. GentlemanCheese

    1st grow

    You don't need to give it any nutes til it's 2 weeks old right? And I think they both might be autoflowers
  18. GentlemanCheese

    1st grow

    Hey so I got my seeds of about 6 different strains but only a single see of each strain so since I'm a newbie I'm taking it slow and only starting with 2 seeds so I don't waste my money and mess up all my seeds, I'm germinating 2 as we speak, Russian rocket fuel auto flower and confidential...
  19. GentlemanCheese

    indoor lighting question

    thanks for the info, i'll bag any males since i want lots of potent bud
  20. GentlemanCheese

    indoor lighting question

    oh damn man, you just gave me a shit to think about, synthetic lighting it is. +rep