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  1. S

    cloning question...

    no you dont want to clone a leaf you need to have a growin tip/shoot im sure somone will pop up with a pic or diagram if i had one it would be up. the main thing u want to see is wher is the ne plant gonna grow from. not the leaf
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    no u dont have to just put in moist soil and do not let it dry out. some ppl use a paper towel/soakem its kindo of like clonin if u ask 1000 different growers u will get a 1000 different answers what works great for some is death to others i just stickem in rapidrootes or rw and either into my...
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    CFL Grows Aint The Greatest. B.S. !!!!!

    what is that supposed to mean? ppl grow dank dense buds under cfls with great results and i feel for a small grow u cant beat em. i dont throw neg rep around but dont be surprized if cfl growers jump on u for a statement like that. congrads on ur first harvest and enjoy it will get better each...
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    The Official Bubba Kush thread

    did ne one grow out both the ghs and the pre98 original bubba does the gh version compare at all to the pre98 which is some of the greatest smoke i had the pleasure of sampling i was just gifted the 98 cut 2day i was told shes a bitch to root but pleasure to grow i cant wait to do a run if...
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    cloning in the aero garden with rock wool tips needs many ?

    well i went with rapid rooters in there they seem to fit snuggly i have the water level raised so that its is touching the bottom of the rapid rooter plug and added a bubble wand and and a 4in airstone to increase the bubbles i also built a bubble bucket out of a 5gal bucket and 2 airstones...
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    countering root rot/high res temps

    what nutes are you using i noticed higher res temps and organics is a not a fight worth havin chem nutes can tolerate higher temps . i went from injuana juice line complete to the conni line with from AN for the summer as thats when my temps rise and i havent got any root rot this year i dont...
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    cloning in the aero garden with rock wool tips needs many ?

    whats up i was gifted an aerogarden and been using it to germ seeds using rw cubes instead of the plugs as mine didnt come with any my buddy used them up in his horrible attempt to grow some ganja with it. im sure it can be done but my genious of a friend tried to flower 6 of my cherry ak...
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    Led Users Unite!

    leds are a ways away imo they promiss everything to ya but are not as great as advertised for example they say the 90w ufo is = to 400w hps well that comes to 4.444 gs per watt not possible im finally gettin close t 1g per watt in my experiance so far they are great but not as advertised a 90w...
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    Led Users Unite!

    im on my 5th 6th harvest i flower with 2 90w ufo and cfls i got 74g off her and have 2 more ready to come down in the next week or so ill throw up some dry shots later just went into jars last night
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    Going Back To My Roots, Bato Buckets On The Drip!!!!!

    whats up brotha u got a nice line up going there the afgoo widow sounds interesting def top/fin and lst and have some cfls around i like the clip lites from hd u can adjust them many ways and the reflectors help moves branches to open up the plant u can also unscrew the reflector so u can getem...
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    LED Question!!!!

    once you get everything dialed in and with some cfls that is my goal and when i will stop fuckin around with my setup it will also be strain dependant to i would grow less plantys imo i started of puttin 6 in the same space my first run and was dissappointed i think i pulled close to a qp now i...
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    Led first time grow

    thanks for the compliments on the pics just got a cam so they willimprove greatly i strongly believe in a nice veg to build up the roots and get the plant ready to flower out heavy i vegged for 4wks then fimed and letem recover for 2 or 3 more weeks then tossed into flower im on my 5th or 6th...
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    Looking to buy seeds in New Jersey any advice??

    worst that will happen is u will get a letter sayin customs has ur package and you can come pick it up happened to me once out of 20-30 orders im a collector id be more paranoid about the plants im runnin now then havin seeds sent if somones givin out freebies that i want i place an order and...
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    Led first time grow

    nice grow brotha this site has alot of ppl usin ufos whichis cool pple here been gettin some nice grows with to heres my ufo plants one i fimmed the other i didnt toppin/fimmin is now a must with these lights an so is lst the fimmed plant im expect 3+ dry and the other half that
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    LED newbie cabinet grow w/ hydro

    i runnin 1 90w ufo on top of the plant about 4 in above the tops 1 42 2700 and 2 26 w 6500s placement is key u really want to get them in as close as possible so that the buds fill out glad u like ur butta it would of been way more potent if u preheated the bud first my womens a heavy smoker and...
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    LED Question!!!!

    a 600w i can pull close to a lb if not more i wouldnt expect half that off that 120 prob get alittle over 1/4lb once dialed in properly
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    LED Question!!!!

    i keep my led 3-6in from the tops and dont think u gonna get yields = to that of a 600w with a 120w light that would be 5 grams per real watt brotha these lights are good at what they do but i hate how they advertise 90w=400 120=600 yeah fuckin right im getting about 1 g per watt which is very...
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    LED newbie cabinet grow w/ hydro

    this lady has 12 main tops 60 days and the second lady is the same strain without the toppin it will prob yield half of what the fatgurl will im still making adjustments with this setup and its far from perfected but am now set that topping is a must everytime i think i will be getting yield of...
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    LED newbie cabinet grow w/ hydro

    whats up everyone had to make my first post somewhere so i figured i can help out in this thread i grow with 2 90w ufos and cfls and im on my 3rd run and pullin 3oz per plant finally. i was one of those assholes who actually believed it would be = to a 400w so i crammed 6 plants underem and had...