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  1. bstiff29

    Non Auto, Fast strains

    Well long story short, im a college student trying to grow enough to tide myself over for the year and make some profit on the side with some close friends. i'm in the process of setting up my outdoor guerilla grow for next year. I figure drying wont be a big deal, i have that figured out. but I...
  2. bstiff29

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I was planning on an outdoor grow and ive been looking at autos because i want it done before i go back to school in september. I want a big enough yield because i have alot of potential buyers and im a steady toker myself. I've been looking into the super autos, anyone have any experience with...
  3. bstiff29

    early outdoor harvest without autoflower? NEAR MICHIGAN

    Just asking around and looking for strain help while planning for my outdoor grow next year. I've been looking around and I have a few auto's pinned if i go that way but I'd like a big yield without breaking bank on seed cost and a good THC level. Oh and it'll be in a midwest climate. Just...
  4. bstiff29

    Best Autoflower for outdoor Northeast USA

    what about the super autos? I realize theyre new and all but ill be in a similar climate for my first grow and they seem real legit, Nirvana Sky in particular is what i was looking at. I've seen the super auto thread but nobody seems to have much insight.
  5. bstiff29

    Midwest Outdoor Growers!!

    You guys for sure have been the most help compared to everyone else here, real down to earth people haha i really appreciate this. It will be my first grow next spring and im tyring to compile enough knowledge from online sources, but that only means so much compared to an actual person from a...
  6. bstiff29

    Midwest Outdoor Growers!!

    assumably if you guys are still in the ground theyre all indicas? what strains have you had the most success with outdoors personally? if i dont go with the autoflower so its done while im home for summer, then im thinking AK47 or White Russian. Suggestions?
  7. bstiff29

    Outdoor cure?

    i would keep them in the jars and burp them obviously, but if you have other ideas id love to hear them. otherwise i figure i could rig something up with my imagination.
  8. bstiff29

    Midwest Outdoor Growers!!

    but after i leave i figure it will be flowering, it will be far enough from any human contact that it will be fine as long as they dont know what it is when theyre taking off the corn :p but how will that affect my yield and potency
  9. bstiff29

    Midwest Outdoor Growers!!

    im a college student looking to start a grow next spring in a nearby state of you minnesota people and i guess im curious what strains you guys use. And since i'll be at school, im wondering how much maintanence will be needed once it begins flowering seeing as i wont be around to see it every...
  10. bstiff29

    AoF's - Outdoor Mix + Autos 2010

    for only having visited once, how much did you yield and was the smoke any good? i'm looking at autoflowering northern, diesel, or onyx outdoors in a similar climate but will be visiting more often. Also if any of you have tried autoflowers outdoors, please post your reccomended strains.
  11. bstiff29

    Midwest Outdoor Growers!!

    I'm a new grower in the midwest and will be outdoors, no1's really been much help to me and i was wondering if you guys would mind helping me out. Sorry i have no input on the thread, i dont mean to ruin it.
  12. bstiff29

    Outdoor cure?

    thanks guys, i guess i was thinking mason jars after some drying time. like i said im new so my first thought was to put the big colas in a black garbage bag for about a week and hang i from a try from some drying prior to the jars. if you have any other ideas for bag appeal id appreciate that...
  13. bstiff29

    Outdoor cure?

    I'm new to growing and i will be starting a guerilla grow next year. I'm gathering as much info as i can to better my crops, and I'm curious about how i could cure outdoors. Indoors would smell too much and just isnt an option. So if you have any input i'd love to hear it. thanks and happy growing
  14. bstiff29

    Strains n Sites

    Straight up, i'm a new grower from the midwest and im narrowing down strains and internet sites. Anyone have any insight for me? It'd be appreciated, thanks.
  15. bstiff29

    New Grower, need help with the works

    Ok I think i have some insight for you silan, which may seem weird because i started the thread and still have tons of questions because i want a good yield. But I think you have the right idea about having it away from heavily populated areas, but i think you should maybe try to find a place a...
  16. bstiff29

    New Grower, need help with the works

    sorry i didnt notice i'd already posted that haha, but i was serious about growing seedlings in my dorm, is it worth it?
  17. bstiff29

    New Grower, need help with the works

    Thanks for the cloning idea, i'll attempt that. I'm living in a dorm right now, are seedlings going to smell that bad if i have them in a covered tray? also what do you guys recommend as far as soil? certain brand, additives?
  18. bstiff29

    New Grower, need help with the works

    What do you guys recomend as far as soil? any brands or additives? and thank you for the cloning and prep idea, i will do that.
  19. bstiff29

    New Grower, need help with the works

    Ok, now after i choose a strain where do you recomend i buy seeds from? feminized worth it? autoflowering seems not so legit, but as a first time is it easier? what's your opinion?